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Another serene morning after a complete week of no Taeyong,Jaehyun  inhaled as much fresh air as he could or else he might want to end his life.

It felt like it was merely an illusion - an illusion of his own pathetic dreams.

The last time he saw him was their first and last date,which he supposed,or maybe worse,because Taeyong might not even consider it a date.

He took a sip of the tea he made,gratified by himself.

Ever since he encountered Taeyong that day did he start drinking tea,his tea-making skills were progressing apparently.

"Why do I even bother..." He sighed again,pulling a strap of his bookbag on his shoulder and walked to school.


So far the day was pretty tedious as usual,except the fact that he couldn't sleep due to the caffeines he absorbed too much these days.

"Jefferrrrrry!" Ten snapped him back from dazing with an incredibly high volume,"He's not gonna come back even if you burn a hole on the window with your eyes."

Jaehyun rolled his eyes,"Would you mind???Stop saying things like he died or something ugh…"

Ten shook his head as if talking to his feckless kid,he patted the expressionless boy's back,"Fine,but seriously no one knows where he is,don't give too much hope,okay?"

"Yeah yeah ok."

Ten felt frustrated of his friend not giving a fuck about the advice,just as he was to start a lecture again, Johnny rushed in tripping over clumsily.

"Johnny can't you be-"


"TF!?" "YOU WHAT!?"



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