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The next day was ushered in by bright sunlight,Jaehyun didn't know why he replied to the boy who he could even consider a rival in love,nevertheless,he was already sitting at the cozy cafe.

A slightly hoarse 'Hey' arrived just in time as he averted his glance to the bright entrance,adapting to gleams from the nice weather.

"Hey,Yuta."Jaehyun waved before noticing that Yuta seemed a few wearier and paler than the last time he saw him,he gulped down his questions hesitantly.

Yuta wore an weak smile,he could tell that Jaehyun was nothing more but utterly puzzled.

Never had Yuta thought that he would be having heart-to-heart talks with Jaehyun(neither had Jaehyun), however, he realized that he was the kind with many friends but simultaneously none. To be exact,easily going with people but had a serious obstacle to open up his heart.

Scrolling through all the contacts he had,"Jaehyun" bumped into his sight unaware.

Remembering what Taeyong had always complimented him,"someone you would save a soft spot for,too precious for this world." he decided to talk to Jaehyun,and the thought enhanced because Jaehyun seemed to be incognizant of the mess going around to him. It would be easier to pour things out while gaining neutral opinions,right?

Since yesterday he encountered Taeyong as he planned,complicated thoughts were then fueled up immensely.

The flashbacks of their relationship occupied his head, from the lively beach to the serene lake, from crowded parties to sleepovers for only two, from inseparable partners to unexpected lovers. So far,they had dedicated their flowery youth to each other wholeheartedly.

Yuta had always consider himself the bold and valiant one compared to Taeyong,but it was in fact the latter, who gave him the courage to pursue what he loves without minding others perspective.

He recalled the scene when they became official,Taeyong kissed him on the corner of his lips(due to shyness),then he realized all he ever wanted could be easily wrapped in his arms in a twinkling. The tactile sensation of embracing his fragile,yet significant world could still be remembered clearly by his heart.

Sighed as he snapped back to reality,facing Jaehyun,he took a deep breath after finishing the order.

"So the reason why I texted you is that....

I need to talk about Taeyong."


People always tend to appreciate things when they loose them , sigh

the reads are almost 5k i can't believe thisssssss thank you guys so much♡♡♡

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