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Taeyong stood still as a sculpture,eyes darting the very close pair.

He didn't know who the boy sitting on the marble table was ,but he definitely recognized Yuta merely by his back.

Yuta's waist leaned in between the boys thighs,revealing a bit of the boys body. They were in their own world ,thoughtless about the people dancing and drinking aside.

Taeyong felt blazes burning inside,he snatched an alcohol from a passer-by and irrigated himself with bottles of wine.

Until he couldn't stand up straight normally
Until hiccups couldn't even let him talk
Until he started to laugh his heart out like a psycho

Then there he bumped into the innocent Jaehyun,indignation and pain took over him that he spread out all his feelings on him,kissing him,seducing him,stroking him...

Jaehyun eventually managed to escape from his manacle, but what he did after made his insobriety vanish.

"...Don't cry, to me ,you deserve everything in the world."

Not until a thumb softly wiped away a teardrop from Taeyong's staggered face did he notice that he had cried.

He then burst into tears and Jaehyun conversely embraced him.

This was the last thing he remembered before he fell asleep.

What he didn't know was Jaehyun sighed,carrying Taeyong on his back and drove him home.


Since Taeyong was thoroughly drunk,he even indicated wrong directions to his house several times ;thankfully they arrived before dawn and tucked him in bed successfully.

Before Jaehyun left,he hesitated but stealthily stole a peck from the ignorant Taeyong as a last.

That night, rain poured.

*Italics - recall
I guess most of you forgot the partyyyyy😂

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