Beginning 1//Jinkook

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                             first time writing jinkook so yeah

Summary: a story where jin loses control of his Hormones and fucks jungkook

Author pov
Bts just finished practicing for there DNA (cuz it's 2017 peeps) mv,it was already time for lunch,they all decided to eat out as a treat,for there hard work

"I can't believe it's already 2pm!" Jimin said
"I know time goes way to fast" namjoon answered
"Common! Get in the car to eat,we still have a long day" the manager called

They all went in the car,namjoon was in front with the manager (I'm just gonna have the manager drive ok?),yoongi and j-hope in the front seats,tae and jimin in the middle seats,and Jin and jungkook in the back seats,it was a little long way,so jungkook being one that went all out,was really tired,Jungkook was starting to drift off to sleep,Jin saw jungkook and placed jungkook's head on his shoulder

They all went in the car,namjoon was in front with the manager (I'm just gonna have the manager drive ok?),yoongi and j-hope in the front seats,tae and jimin in the middle seats,and Jin and jungkook in the back seats,it was a little long way,so ju...

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Best photo I can find :p

They soon arrive at the place,and went home(I'm to lazy to say what they got and stuff) it was night time and it was storming outside,the maknae was scared of the storm,since he was in a separate room by himself jungkook ran into Jin's room,jungkook knocked on the door,which Jin carefully opened

"K-kookie?" Jin said
"HYUNGGG" jungkook whined
"What is it?"


There was a big boom from the thunder,jungkook ran to Jin and hugged him tightly

"Jungkookie~ don't be scared..." Jin reassured
Jungkook hugged tighter...
"You want to sleep here tonight?"
"Ok-" before Jin could finish jungkook ran in the room and placed himself on the bed

Jin laughed at the younger who was on his bed,it was already 1am and the storm wasn't calming down at all it just got heavier and heavier and heavier

"Jin-hyung~" jungkook whined from the bed
"Come cuddle me hyung~"
"But jungko-"
"Pleaseeee~" jungkook pouted
"Ok bunny"

Jungkook blushed at what Jin said,Jin came and cuddled jungkook,Jin kissed jungkook on the cheek and put his arms around jungkook's waist,soon yoongi came into the room....Jin sat straight up,as well as Jungkook,knowingly that yoongi would suspect some things..

"Uhhh...uhhh" Jin stuttered
"So? Want to tell me what is going on?" Yoongi said smirking
" know I hate thunder storms" jungkook said
"But you guys DONT need to cuddle" yoongi said still smirking
"I swear....we weren't going to do anything" Jin said
"I won't be surprised if I heard moaning tonight" yoongi said and winked walking out

Jungkook being the little innocent little fetus was confused but Jin knew exactly what yoongi meant.....
Hey y'all I'm from the south.....sorry I'm not but anyways.....HEY GUYS I promised to get this out by October 7th and I did (be happy for me) so yeah sorry this was fluff but the next chapter is gonna be smut ;)
(Am I on crack?)

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