Jealousy Got the Best of Me//Jikook 2 (M)

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I hope y'all realize I'm writing this in school-

exposing time with author-nim 👌

Jungkook's POV

"We act like a couple." Taehyung smirked as he looked deeply into Jungkook's eyes, "B-but won't that technically be cheating? I don't wanna cheat on Jimin..." Jungkook said with tears bordering the edge of his eyes.

"N-no! That's not what I meant!! I mean we just act really touchy and close!" Taehyung said stuttering not meaning to upset Jungkook, "Oh...then I'm pretty interested." Jungkook said with a small smile creeping up to his face.

Taehyung grinned and took Jungkook's wrist to lead him to their next class.

Jimin's POV

Jimin sighed and pushed the final slut away who was trying to flirt with him. Jimin looked around the school for Jungkook but to no avail, "Yo, park have you heard?" One of Jimins football teammates said, "Heard of what??" Jimin said mildly confused, "Yo bro!! You haven't heard? Omg, well your supposedly boyfriend seems to be cheating on you with Taehyung bro." The guy said laughing to himself.

Jimin cocked an eyebrow and walked over to the cafeteria area, to see his boyfriend on another's lap. Jimin could just feel the anger building up but kept it cool.

Jimin walked over to the table where Jungkook was sitting on Taehyung's lap, "Heyyy what's up there Kook, Tae?" Jimin said faking a smirk. "Hehe! Nothing Jimin!! TaeTae-hyungie was just telling me how cute I would look in a dress!" Jungkook giggled as he saw Jimins eye twitch.

"Oh, really now?" Jimin's voice started to get harsh, "Yeahh! And TaeTae said that he's gonna buy me a skirt and help me put it on!!!" Jungkook giggled again as he hugged Taehyungs neck.

Jimin balled his fist as he walked up to jungkook and whispered, "You, Me, after school." Jimin innocently smiled and walked away.

But, Jungkook knew much better than to think that smile was a sweet one, no. It was a pure evil and sinister smile, Jungkook was definitely in for a treat when he got home.

-Time skip cause smut-

Third Person

Jungkook steadily walked outside of the school scanning the area for a small, but very scary Jimin. Jimin smirked as he saw his boyfriend waiting at the main entrance, Such a vulnerable baby. Jimin thought as he walked up to Jungkook who visibly finches when Jimin touches him.

"Why so startled babie?" Jimin said as he put his arm around Jungkook's waist, "Psh, startled? No wayyy! I'm tough!" Jungkook bluffed as they started walking to Jimins oh so fancy house.

Jimin didn't like the reply he got so to make up for it he decided to toy around with his beautiful boyfriend.

Jimin moved his hand from Jungkook's waist onto his ass which Jungkook slightly flinched at. Jimin gave Jungkook's ass a tight squeeze, Jungkook suddenly let out a small whiny moan, Jimin could just feel his DiNg dOng rise up.

Jimin smirked at the younger's reaction then decided to give Jungkook's ass a firm and hard squeeze, making Jungkook tense up, "J-Jimin!! N-no! Ahhh~!" Jungkook unwillingly moaned out.

Jungkook frantically pulled away from Jimins strong grip, "You have small hands but you squeezed my ass so hard, Jiminie." Jungkook said rubbing the place where Jimin grabbed it. Jimin evilly chuckled as they continued to walk to Jimin's dear home.

Once the two got into Jimin's heavily decorated home Jimin told Jungkook to sit down on the couch and to wait for him. After what felt like hours of waiting, Jimin finally came back with wet hair and his shirt off.

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