No Good//Yoonkook (SMV)

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(SMV stands for Story. Music. Video.)

Inspired by the song above 👆

Song: no good by Anna clendening
Lyric ver.

No one POV
Jungkook and yoongi was in love for long but they have fights regularly,shouting,glass


"Just shut up!"

"I love you,jungkook"

"I don't know."

"I hate you"

"Fine I'll go"

'Don't go I love you~' jungkook said In his mind


"Mom! I got asked out by yoongi!"

"Hun,you should take this slow"

~end flashback~



"I wish we could back track"

~time skip~

A knock was heard on the door as jungkook opened it to reveal yoongi,his ex

"Jungkook I love you! Take me back!"


"W-well I can't well just fight agian"

"I love you baby~"

"I'm no good,your no good"


"Find someone else who can treat you right"

"But I love you"

"I love you too,but,were over"

"I'm over you"

Hey! Okay i love these songs so I'm going to do this often if I run out of ideas for smut of fluff but yeah these will be short based on the song so yeah bye❤️

This was no good

(I question myself y did I make this 2)

Its like 2am

Next: Pacify her-hopekook

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