Diabolic Lovers 1//Namkook (DISCONTINUED)

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Tittle inspired by the anime....but I never saw the anime so I made this one up 😂

Main idea: where namjoon is a secret demon/devil and jungkook is a normal human and they end up loving each other

Type:idk I haven't wrote yet

Jungkook POV
I was in my class, English, which was the class quite hard for me because I didn't really get English very well,right then yugyeom texted him

'Hi kookie!'

'Hi gyeomie'

'Do you know what day it is'

'November 17?'


'How could I forget gyeomie?! It's you birthday of course!'

'You remembered!'

'Duhhh! Your my best friend!'

'Nice,parents celebrating today!'

'Can I come?!'

'No,it's just that...'

'It's fine gyeomie....'

I Heard a loud sound next to my desk,it was the schools so called 'bad boy' who got AMAZING grades,oh,and is a HUGE loner,soon class started,I put my phone in my pocket and listened

"Ok class today we will be doing a project on how the English alphabet was created"

"AND you guys will be pared"

Let's just say I wasn't really good in English so I was slightly relieved,but I was also nervous because I really only had a few friends which were yugyeom,taehyung,and jimin but NONE of them are in my English class GREAT

"Ok so....I will be partnering you kids off"

"Namjoon can I see you?" The teacher said

"Yes..." namjoon said in a deep and husky voice

Namjoon POV
I was called by the teacher....I walked up there

"Ok namjoon,you are my best English speaker here....beside me......but jungkook is currently not doing so well..."


"And I would like you to do the project with him"

"Why!? I always do the project on my own!"



I walked over to 'jungkook's' desk and tap him on the shoulder,he looked started but I ignored it

"So mrs.jung wanted me to be partners with you ok?" I said he nodded shyly

It was after school and me and 'jungkook' had to work on the project at school....since the teacher wanted us to

"Ok so here are you kids information...good luck" mrs.jung said

"Thanks" I said

"Hey-?" I said


"You seem.....a little......you know.....nervous"

"I-I just u-uhm"

"You think I'm that bad jungkook"

"Do you believe those rumors jungkook?"

"I think the rumors are true"

"I thought you were the kind of kid that wouldn't judge me like that"

"I guess I was wrong"


"I'm going to go jungkook...."

"WAIT! Namjoon"


"I-I'm *sniff* sorry..."

"For what..?"

This was a gif but it was to damn BIG!

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This was a gif but it was to damn BIG!

Butt I hope you guys liked it.....and no I don't Watch anime

Next: punished-jinminkook 2

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