Crush//JJKXBTS 5

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PLZ read the A/N at the end...
Kookie pov
I wake my bed...i mentally start freaking out because of how I  got there,just then hoseok came in and hugged me tightly

"OW,hyung...your hurting me..."

"Oh! Sorry kookie" he said as he gave a kiss on my forehead

"What am I doing here?"

" got in a car crash we rushed to the hospital...two weeks later they sent you home...which was yesterday..lihyun went into jail and the others are slowly getting better"


"Look...we now know you like us more than hyungs...right?"


"We love you too baby" hoseok said as he kissed my lips (sue me if u want but I want more hopekook in this book)

As he kissed my lips,he brushed his tongue against my bottom lip motioning me to separate my lips,I do as he wants soon melting in the kiss.....


We separated and I blushed slightly knowing we just got caught

"Sorry eomma...we got carried away" I say cutely

"Well it's impossible not to kiss you" jin mumbles

"What did you say?" I say

"Nothing baby"

"Uhm are the others healing?" Hoseok spoke up

"They're actually pretty good"

"If they're good,then how about we make it up to our little kookie baby"

"How are we going to do that?"

"We will give him the love he deserves jin-hyung"

"Alright then! I will call the others and we will make a surprise for you jungkook"

"Can I know what the surprise is" I said

"Ofc not kookie" hoseok laughs

They both wall out of the room as I fall back asleep

Third person
As Jin and hoseok walked out jin ran to get the others while hoseok decided a plan,once the plan was decided hoseok called up one of his close friends....


"Thank god you actually answered me this time Y/N"

"Psh..I tried calling you since forever but you never even picked up dickhead!"

"Don't call me that! Hoe.."

"Whatever...what did you want from me?"

"You know jungkook,right?"

"The one who you think of fucking one day,yeah.."

"Well we wanted to hold a surprise for him and it would be great if you came"

"But...I'm "reading"


"Come anyway...and come in the world for once you hoe"

"Fine...I'll go,but"

"But what?"

"Is your fantasies about jungkook real this time?!"

"OMG- Y/N I'm hanging up!"


Hoseok hanged the day passed,they had a surprise for jungkook which went very well,with that said....I'll leave it on a positive note ;).

HELLO my little biases♥️ (I'm gonna call u guys biases from now on)
So I'm so so so sorry that this took very long to make but I'm kinda
On writers block If you want to know...go follow me on twitter!
Twitter: @biasbottom

Follow me if you want to know when I will make another chapter!


𝐋𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐩𝐨𝐩//𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬//𝐉𝐊𝐱𝐁𝐓𝐒Where stories live. Discover now