Empty//Jungkook 1

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This story was inspired by the video above.
It deals with anorexia and bulimia
As well as others

Jungkook pov

You have to be skinny

Your too fat

Your not good enough

No one needs a fat pig like you

I wish you could just go

I'll never love you

The words they come back so quickly,I try to stop but they won't let me...

I was cut out of my train of thought by a loud booming voice
I sigh knowing my hyungs were hungry,I walk down to the kitchen and start making food,once the food was done I call my hyungs down for dinner,I grab my self a glass a water cause I have to keep myself alive somehow..

I walk to the bathroom and weigh my self 143lbs (idk if that's less than his real weight but...oh well) I smile slightly knowing I was loosing more weight..but the hunger was painful, I know I'm not addicted I can still control it right?

"Stop trying to weigh yourself your only getting fatter."

I look over and see jin in the doorway,then he walked away,I sigh looking down,I walk to my room getting a notification on my phone,I look at the text message it was my best friend (Y/N)



what do you want now Y/N??

I just want to hang out jungkookie!!


Don't you want to hang with me 😭😭😭😭😣

Fine...BUT don't talk about kpop for once then I'll go


Thank you bestie

Meet me tomorrow at the café down town at exactly 9:30am got it??

Yes Y/N

Ok bye 👋


I put my phone away as I got ready for bed...

*time skip*

It was 2am I was still awake,the hunger is to much to bare...I go down stairs and start eating some food,when I was done I went to the bathroom and stuck two fingers down my throat,I throw up in the toilet and start to wash my face,I sigh again and finally got some rest


I wake up to someone pouring a bucket of water on my head,I jolt up looking at jimin and taehyung

𝐋𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐩𝐨𝐩//𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬//𝐉𝐊𝐱𝐁𝐓𝐒Where stories live. Discover now