#tagged lol pt. Uhhhhhhhhhhh

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Got tagged by Rainbow_Jams
(Thank youuu)

Got tagged by Rainbow_Jams (Thank youuu)

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1. Fun fact about you?
- I'm sicc *COUGH* 😎 a fun fact is that I'm a trans male 😼
-sugavl "I succ my toes"
2. Hair color?
-Black/Dark brown
-sugavl "Black/Dark brown-ish"
3. Crush?
-Dont exactlyyy have one
-sugavl "My boob"
4. Grade?
-sugavl "7th grade...I think"
5. Worst person?
-Dont have anyone specific in mind
-sugavl "A kid named John"
6. Favorite song?
-Face and Stay beautiful (can't pick one) (I'm not saying the artist either kekekeke)
-sugavl "Hmmmm regular?"
7. Single or Taken?
-Taken bishes (dont date in middle school, take my words ppl) I'm single
-sugavl "You answer that question"
8. Lock screen and why?

-Because, Jamie left JYP (cri)- sugavl "It's ten

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-Because, Jamie left JYP (cri)
- sugavl "It's ten. Because it can be"

Tag 8 people? You got it 😎

Okay im lazy 👌 do it if you'd like cause I tagged EVERYONE HAH

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