An explaination

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Hi everyone!! So if you haven't noticed already, I haven't been posting and been losing some followers. Soooo I'm here to give you a reason why I stopped writing fan fiction.

It has come to my attention that BTS are aware of fan fiction and expressed that they're uncomfortable with them.

(P.S. I just saw a lot of ARMY's saying this so idk if it's 100% true)

So basically I've just been supporting them as a normal fan instead of writing fanfic even though I do love writing fanfic I just don't feel like I should make the idols uncomfortable.

Thank you for everyone who supported and continue to support me <3 but as of now, I'm no longer writing fan fiction. I WILL keep all of my books for everyone to still read but I will also be editing them from time to time!

Signing off, author-nim.


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