Just a little cute//Jinkook (M)

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Summary: Jin found interest in a freshmen at his college and ends up learning about his deeply routed secret

Requested by: (so um..I forgot who requested this..please tell me if you did so I can give creds)



I groan as I got up hearing my stupid loud ass alarm ringing in my damn ear and threw it to the ground. Luckily, it didn't shatter like my relationship from highschool.

I get up immediately thinking of my kookie. The freshmen that ran into me and didn't even apologize, yep, he's a real brat.

I went into my bathroom turning the shower on and waiting for that slow ass bitch to hurry the fuck up and get hot. While waiting, I obviously have to stare at myself and say how much of a beautiful human being I am. Haha, I'm kidding! I'm not self centered jeez.

After getting ready I rush down and take a cereal bar out of the cabinet.

At campus or whateva

I made it to the campus  just in time to not be late for class, I walk in meeting up with my friend, Hoseok. "Suppp Hobiii!" I said plopping down in the desk next to his, "Sup Seokkie." Hobi smirked, "Hey!! You dare cannot change my nick name!" I grumpily turned.

Hoseok sighed and laughed at my childishness even though he could be the same sometimes.

Third person

Jungkook ran into class in a mess especially since he woke up 30 minutes after his alarm rang. He smiled as he realized he wasn't late, but suddenly frowned when he realized he has to sit through an hour lecture for his studies.

Jungkook looked around trying to find a seat in the generally small class, sure, the class was small but it was full of people.

Jungkook saw one seat available and ran so that it couldn't get stolen.

Jungkook sat down tired from the running and took his notes out just while hitting the person next to him in the face, "Hey!! Watch it will you?!" Jin said aggravated, "Yeah, K." Jungkook continued to get out his pencil, "K?! You should really learn to respect your hyung, brat."

Jungkook rolled his eyes and turned to Jin, "Ugh, K Mr. Worldwide Handsome. Can you shut the fuck up now?" Jin roughly grabbed Jungkook by the arm and pulled him outside of class.

"Listen here brat, keep treating me like a slave and you'll have hell." Jungkook scoffed at the statement, "Oh yeah? What's the hell youre gonna give me, dumbshit?" Jungkook said smirking at the last word. "You won't be calling me dumbshit for long after I fuck brains out." Jin said pinning Jungkook against the wall.

Jungkook blushed, "H-Hah! As I-if!! Your dick is probably as small as your brain!!" Jin smirked, "Wanna go test your theory out? Baby boy?" Jin enunciated.

"Don't call me baby boy!!" Jungkook blushed squeezing his thighs together and gave out small whimpers, "Why not?? You're practically whimpering like a slut." Jin said as he came closer to Jungkook's burning face.

"God, you look so wrecked." Jin whispered in Jungkook's ear, "Makes me wanna fuck the shit out of you." Jin smirked as he pulled back.

"HEY!! GET TO CLASS YOU TWO!" A hall monitor yelled making Jin groan and Jungkook slightly whine, "Just remember, this is not over." Jin said as he went back into the class.

At Jungkook's house or whateva

Jungkook shoved his face into his pillow as he groaned, "Why does he have to be so good looking but a bitch at the same time?!" Jungkook turned over now laying on his back as he whined some more.

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