Plastic Monster//Jungkook

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Ok so this is inspired by a creepy pasta that I watched on YT all credits go to the original writer..!
[the story is called 'my friend is a plastic surgery monster']

P.S I'm not good at writing horror so don't expect to get scared or be uneasy ok?

Third person
Jungkook woke up to the sound of his annoying ass alarm ringing in his faceu as he got up for some breakfast and walked out the door to meet up with his friend, hyojin (fake name), you see, hyojin was bullied way more than jungkook just because of her appearance, she had more of a square face,small eyes,crooked teeth,and weighed a bit more than jungkook.

Jungkook wanted to help his friend in every way possible since hyojin wasn't very rich,he helped her every way possible from skin care products to a dentist appointment for her teeth, but the bullying and teasing continued.

"Hyojin!!!! I'm glad to see you here!"

"Oh really? Why would you like to see an ugly friend like me...?"

"HYOJINN! You are not ugly! Stop telling yourself that"

"Right...If that's true why don't you say that to Keith and his gang of lunatics?!"


"Whatever, let's just go..Barbie doll"

"Barbie doll?! Again with that nickname hyojin?"

But hyojin was already going toward the school as jungkook ran after her

*time skip*

It was nearing the end of the end of the school year,hyojin hid behind thick bangs and foundation that was way lighter than her actual skin tone.

*time skip* (again lol)

Before they knew it, it was already the beginning of the school year, hyojin and jungkook barely talked at all during the summer,but jungkook couldn't find hyojin as she was now beautiful..jungkook could barley even recognize her,she had thin legs that jungkook slightly lacked (jungkook,YOUR THIGHS ARE LIFE) but later in the day jungkook got to finally talk to his dearest friend.


"'s...the Barbie doll"

"I'm the Barbie doll?! Look at you hyojin!"

"I know I'm pretty!"

"You had so many surgeries! How did you recover so quickly...??"

"I guess it's a matter of luck,but I need to get to class...ugly"

"Wait..did you just call me ugly?"

But hyojin already walked off going into her classroom,the worst part of hyojin getting surgery was that she left jungkook out of it not even bothering to call or text that she was getting surgery,it was like hyojin forgot that jungkook actually existed and would ignore him constantly as they crossed paths,But nonetheless beauty was all that mattered to them.

Until,hyojin asked the boy she liked on a date,and to Jungkook's expectations the boy declined and yelled that hyojin was too "plastic" and he would rather date and actual human and not a Barbie doll,hyojin called jungkook crying..and jungkook would've punched the guy square in the face.

Jungkook called hyojin to just comfort her,they sat down on a bench and talked for a bit until she said

"There's no way to win is there? No matter what you do and what you change it's not good it?"

Hyojins words never left Jungkook's mind as they roamed mindlessly around the streets and parted ways when the sun went down.

Hyojin went home and thought that she needed to change herself in anyway possible,the very next day she was more plastic than before,the good characteristics were emphasized so much it looked unreal in a bad way,how jungkook would describe it was like a wax doll.

As the days went on hyojin was becoming more and more plastic and jungkook worried for her immensely but whenever he tried to talk to her she just ignored him until one day jungkook decided this was enough,hyojin needed help right away,so he asked a teacher to go talk to hyojin,at this point hyojins obsession was beyond unhealthy,she was risking her life to...who knows where.

The following week the teacher suddenly disappeared..and was finally declared missing,at this point jungkook didn't know what to believe anymore..the teacher was last seen in her neighborhood so could hyojin have something to do with this?

Jungkook pov
Anytime I try to call her house there was no answer,that's when I decided enough was enough I went to hyojins house seeing how many memories we had all washed away to who knows where..I Didn't noticed how much we were drifting apart.

I rang the door bell not getting any answer,I knew hyojin wasn't home yet but her parents were...right? Nonetheless,I took the spare key from under the little flower pot they had sitting on the porch and unlocked the door,slowly pushing it open.

I winced at the strong smell of decay but decided to look around anyway, I go upstairs and look around and see the house was messy, dirty and stinky, I looked in the bathroom and hyojins parents room but found nothing but the same dirty and stinky mess and still didn't know where the smell was coming from, The last room to look at was hyojins room.

I slowly push the door open as the smell of decay was even stronger than before, but like the other rooms it was just as messy and dirty, the room was slightly dark and the air was damp. I look around more but I heard the font door open and jumped in hyojin's wardrobe as I heard foot steps coming up the stairs, I immediately regretting my hiding spot as the smell of decay was unbearable in there and I could barely breathe in there.

I felt something brush against my skin and shivered but there was no time to hide elsewhere, hyojin entered her bedroom with determined footsteps and pulled a box out from under her bed as I opened the door wider I could see what was looked like a manicure kit or something like that..the box contained knifes,flies,sewing needles,thread, scissors, and a lot of other things that didn't make sense at the time, but I became sense very quickly.

Hyojin proceeded to take a bottle filled with a thick liquid and used a syringe to inject it into her cheeks and later her chest she turned to grab something else from the kit, turning her back to me, and I wasn't exactly sure what I was seeing, her hands lifted to her face levering in some way at her jawline..after a few moments she put down what seemed to be a knife and got out a nail file, little flakes of bones fell on her shoulders and some on the floor, at once I realized what hyojin was doing, by the time she got done her jaw was so thin it looked as she was barley able to hold any food...she looked satisfied though, hyojin got needle and thread and started to sew the wound back closed, first her muscles then the skin, each time the needle went through the skin it returned to normal as if there has never been an magic, suddenly there was no stitches, no blood, no scars, nothing at all. Just smooth ghostly white skin.

Out of pure panic and disbelief I stumble over which seems like a body, but in the dark closet I couldn't quite see who it was but it could've been easily hyojin's mother looking at the length of the body and the long black hair, I choke back a sob doing everything I could to stay silent, I glare at the body as I regain the newly found information and the unbearable smell of decay all started to make sense, after a few hours hyojin left for good and I ran out of the house like a maniac but that didn't matter at the time, I just wanted to get far away as possible.

I've seen something that had cursed my eyes forever, now when I decide to sleep all I could see and hear was hyojin filing away her jawbones,a noise you can't forget, an image you can unsee, no matter how many showers I take the smell of decay will always be lingering around me, haunting me.

I don't know everything but all I know is that hyojin must be stopped for the good girl I was once friends with, afraid with whatever humanity she had left a gone, and not even our year of friendship is enough to recover all of this.

Part 2? If yes, I'll post it later today♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎

-Your author-nim

[not proofread]

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