Punished 3//Jinminkook (M)

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3rd pov
Jimin got a blind fold,dildo,ball gag,handcuffs,cock ring,and more sex toys,jin grabbed the hand cuffs and cuffed both of jungkook's hands to the bed,Jimin got the blindfold and put that over jungkook's eyes....

3rd povJimin got a blind fold,dildo,ball gag,handcuffs,cock ring,and more sex toys,jin grabbed the hand cuffs and cuffed both of jungkook's hands to the bed,Jimin got the blindfold and put that over jungkook's eyes

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(Box of sex toys)

(Kook handcuffed)

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(Kook handcuffed)

(Just imagine the blindfold is black)

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(Just imagine the blindfold is black)......(is that racist?)

"H-hyungs.....w-what are you doing?" -jungkook

"Relax jungkook.....your gonna enjoy this" -jimin

"Stay still"-jin

Jin put the dildo in jungkook's ass,turning it to the HIGHEST setting...being of course too much for the younger

"Ahh~~~ H-HYUNG p-please ahhh~ t-t-take out~~" -jungkook

Jungkook started to arch his back at the pain,while jin and jimin started to have boners in their pants,jungkook was soon enough leaking pre cum....

"H-h-hyungssss I-I'm gonnaaa-"

Jungkook got cut off by a cock ring put on him,while jimin took out the MASSIVE dildo,in return he got a whine,but soon replaced with a moan after jin entered his cock in jungkook,jimin who was watching this,put his cock at the entrance of jungkook's mouth and mouth fucked him

(Insert a dirty image that got deleted cause it was inappropriate)

Jimin pulled jungkook's hair tightly to make jungkook take him whole



"How long till I can fuck jungkook?"-jimin


"But he'll break"

"Punishment jimin"-jin

Jimin took his cock out of jungkook's mouth and went to where jin was,he soon tried to push in his cock along with Jin's cost still in jungkook,jimin finally got fully in

"Hyungssssss~ I can't take I-it..."-jungkook

"Shut up and take it"-jin

They started to both move in sync pounding in to jungkook,making sure not to hurt him severely,soon jin came with a groan then jimin came with a more light grown

"H-hyungs.....I want to cum!"-jungkook

"We are going to leave you like that and see how much you last without taking the cock ring off..."-jin

"W-what if I d-do take the cock ring o-off..."

"You. Get. A. Worse. Punishment."-jimin


Jimin Uncuffed jungkook's hands from the bad as Jin pulled jungkook over his lap






*x20 slaps*


By the time jin and jimin was done slapping jungkook's ass it was a bright red color....did I mention they used a whip?

"Since you been good..."-jin

Jin took off the cock ring on jungkook with a loud moan jungkook came all over his stomach,thighs,and jin,with that jungkook collapse on the bed and cuddled with his blanket

"If I EVER decide to be like how you were these past weeks...you will get a worse punishment each time"-jin

Jin and jimin walked out of jungkook's room,already dressed and cleaned of course and saw the rest of the members out side of the door

"What are you guys doing?"-jimin

"We were recording"-tae


"Because if jungkook act like how he acted we can play this to him"-namjoon


With that the bantang family punished their bratty and rude maknae

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