Oppa? Alpha! (M) (better coming soon)

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Idk what to write as the title though.....
But BIG thanks to @Chiminie143Pabo:

But BIG thanks to @Chiminie143Pabo:

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(I hope this is ok!)

(WTF is and Alpha? I'm to lazy to read this 50 page thing about alphas so deal with me plz)

3rd POV
"OPPA!" All the girls (and some guys) screamed,as the one and ONLY Park jimin walked through the door,jimin was the only guy all girls was attracted to,and could make guys be gay for him,Jimin gets ALL the girls,and is all up for a competition with ANY guy who dares to compete against him.

The only problem with being an alpha at HIS school is that they ALL Have to wear baggy uniforms,this is why jimin wears a very tight fit uniform,A's in all classes,Best student awards (if that exist?),wins all the competitions the schools ever had,oh and HE HAS ALL THE JAMS (again...)

The past was not so great for jimin In fact he has got told multiple times in his younger years 'your so fat' 'go lose some weight' 'ew did you eat a legit elephant?' 'Your the most biggest animal I ever saw my life!' But that all changed when he was given an opportunity to be in the band BTS.

Ok I'll stop talking about this Beautiful man-boy

"OPPA!!" A girl named Rayeong said oh,who is rayeong? Let's just say she is one of the most prettiest girls in school

"Jimin-oppa would you like to go on a date with me?"

"Rayeong I have a special someone already"

Rayeong pouted,trying to keep her cute face look.....

"Uhm sorry to intrude but I need to talk to jimin....?" A boy with a feminine body spoke

"Hey baby bun~"

"Yah! Jiminie...."

"What hm?"

"Stop staring at me like that!...."

*smirk* "hm...whatever lets go bun~"

~time skip -.-~

"OK CLASS today we will be doing a VERY hard test on the ~Architectural formula for the Scientific Quadrel condense fine and how it was created" mrs.ToLazyToCreateAName said (idk what test I just created)

"Any questions?"


~after the Architectural formula for the scientific Quadrel condense fine and how it was created test~

"OMG,most of you failed!" Mrs.ToLazyToMakeAName yelled

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