Sweetie//Taekook 1

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Third pov
"Hyungieeee!!" The young child cried as his older brother walked through the door dressed in a nice tuxedo, "Jeon Jungkook! Come back here, now!" Jungkook's mother demanded as she went to grab him, "Jungkookie sorry, eomma!" Jungkook cried as he was now clutching his mothers new white dress, "Let go jungkook! My dress will be ruined!!!" She yelled "Mother, calm down. Jungkook is young! He doesn't know any better" Junghyun exclaimed. Their mother scoffed and walked away.

~present time~

Jungkook was now an 18 year old boy with an amazing boyfriend with the name of Kim Taehyung who was about 20 years old. It was no lie they loved each other to death, but taehyung wanted something more than kisses,cuddles, and hugs. Taehyung wanted to hear his baby moan under him, whimper at every little touch, beg for tae to thrust harder.

Yet, taehyung tried to get those dirty thoughts out of his head not trying to weird out his younger boyfriend. Of course, taehyung just could've asked any girl or boy on the street and fuck with them, but being the boyfriend that he is, he didnt want to hurt Jungkook's feelings.

Taehyung pov
"Hyung?" God those lips, they were like an addiction "Hyung?!" His voice, It was like an angel singing from heaven "HYUNG!" The younger male yelled "Oh, shit sorry kook" I said as I kept looking at my boyfriend "I just wanted to know if you were ok...you kept staring at me for a while..." Jungkook said as he poked me "Sorry baby...you're just too cute" I smirked "H-hey! That's not true....dummy" Jungkook tried to protest. "Try to convince me that your not cute" I smirk knowing that everything that jungkook does is cute.

"I-I'm not cute! I'm M-manly!" Jungkook blushed "Say that to your skirts and high thighs sweetie" I smirked even wider-If possible Jungkook blushed even redder than before as I gave in and hugged this fluff ball "Hyunnnnggggg!" Jungkook whined as he tried to break free "No use baby!" I said as I kissed his cheek. Jungkook giggled as he snuggled closer to my chest. How am I ever going to hate this cutie?

"Let's go get some decorations for Christmas tae!" Jungkook said as he jumped up "If you want to-." "YAYYYYY!!" Jungkook yelled as he went to pick something out "-Get dressed?" I said staring at Jungkook. His thighs were so tempting, his waist was so small, but his ass was so perky. Taehyung had not realized that he was staring at his boyfriends ass and licking his lips until a curtain somebody caught him off guard.

"Tae???!! Y-you were staring at my ass for a while..." jungkook said as he blushed cutely "S-sorry babe..your ass was just so tempting" I said as I mumbled the last part "W-What?" Jungkook said as he blushed even more "Nothing! Just go change." I said not noticing the pout on Jungkook's lips "Finnneeee! If you say so.." jungkook pouted even more.

~Time skip~

Once we were in the mall Jungkook went wild buying things from left to right. Basically spending most of my money, at least I was somewhat rich and liked to spoil my baby. "Taeee! I'm hungryyy!" Jungkook pouted "Mm alright we can go to the eating area, unless you wanted something else." I said trying not to melt on the spot "Can we go to the place where they serve kimchi Jeon?" Jungkook said as he dragged me "How could I say no?" I chuckled as we went into the diner.

"My name is Lilayeon! How may I serve you today?" The waiter smiled at the pair "I want Kimchi Jeon with some Shikhye!" Jungkook said enthusiastically "Alright, how about you sir?" Lilayeon said as she wrote down Jungkook's order "I will just get tteok-bokki." Taehyung said as he smiled "Ok then! Ill be back with your orders shortly." Lilayeon walked away smiling fondly at the couple. "So kook, I was wondering..." I say breaking the silence "Wondering about what?" Jungkook looked at me with doe eyes "I-I'm going to get to the point! I want to do more than hugs, cuddles, and kisses..." I say awkwardly hoping Jungkook gets what I mean "Here is your food! Enjoy." Lilayeon said placing our food down and walking away. "You mean like do it?" Jungkook said blushing, "Yeah." I say "F-fine...but, let's just eat!" Jungkook said stuffing his face with the warm Kimchi Jeon as I chuckle.


Comment if you want part 2.....


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