First day,first time-hopekook

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I was very stuck between namkook and hopekook but obviously this is hopekook so next chapter will be namkook!

Jungkook pov
I was having a really nice sleep until my alarm woke me up,dang alarm,I had to get out of bed so I did and went to the bathroom to do my normal morning routine,today was my first day at a new highschool,I was just glad I'm a senior.

I hear my mom call from the kitchen so I went down as usual,let me fill you in about my family...I live with my mother after her and my father divorced,my mom always tells me I was the reason he left,she always insults me when she can and tells me how much of a pain I am.

Even though my mother doesn't care or like me,she still feeds me and gives me shelter at least,i finally reach the kitchen as I was greeted with the wonderful smell of food filling up my nostrils.

"Morning mom"

"Morning. Mistake."

"W-where's junghyun?"

"Somewhere far away from you"


I started to eat with my mom still insulting me,once I was finished I rushed upstairs to get my bag and headed out for school.

As I was walking I bumped into someone who I never met before,he scoffed and walked away,sometimes I wonder why Seoul has to be so rude,I finally reach the school as I enter I went straight to the auditorium,found a seat and sat down.

The principal walked up on stage and introduced himself and the rules and those shits,we we're finally dismissed to our home room,me,being new had to get a tour before going to homeroom.

I got my tour and still was very confused and still got lost,but yet I still got to my my classes on time,surprisingly,the day went on as usual,until lunch,me being new (and socially awkward) I sat randomly next to some extremely hawt bois,did I mention they were extremely hawt?

I sat quietly until one of the extremely hawt bois spoke up.

"What's your name cutie?"

"U-uh m-my names j-j-jeon jungkook!"

I saw him laugh a little as my face turned redder than a tomato,he scooted over basically invading my personal space as he placed his hand on my inner thigh.

"The names hoseok btw"

Third person
Hoseok smirked as he slid his hand up brushing over Jungkook's clothed member,as jungkook let out a slight moan,hoseok leaned in and whispered:

"Baby,why don't you come to my place tonight?"

And right on time the bell rang and all the kids went to their designated classrooms while jungkook was left with an extremely blushing face.

After the final bell rang it. Was. Time. For jungkook to get his virginity taken,but he didn't know that,hoseok drove jungkook to his house and locked his bedroom door ofc.

"W-why did you want me to cum(in your bed) to your house...?"

"Well,you'll see"

**smut warning** (could you tell? Lol)

Hoseok pinned Jungkook's hands above his head as he kissed him roughly but still gently,hoseoks free hand trailed across Jungkook's unmarked body,jungkook letting out moans here and there as hoseok explored Jungkook's mouth not leaving one spot unexplored.


"Do you want to go further?"

"Mmm,yes ah- hyungie..."

Hoseok palmed jungkook through his wet pants,it was amusing to hoseok that jungkook was submissive at the slightest touch.

"Get on all fours"


"Call me daddy"


Jungkook got on his all fours as his ass was perfectly positioned in front of hoseok,hoseok pulled down Jungkook's pants and boxers as hoseok's hardened at the sight of Jungkook's leaking hole.

"So wet for daddy baby..."

"Mmm...ah..I want daddy's cock inside me"

"Baby,I have to prep you first"

Jungkook was getting more and more needy as he waited,hoseok finally stuck a finger in Jungkook's virgin hole witnessing how tight jungkook was,he continued to finger kook until he felt that kook was ready for the big guns.

"Baby,tell me when to stop"


Hoseok pulled down his pants his boxers as his thicc cock felt the cold breeze as his cock slapped against his stomach,Jungkook's eyes widening at the sight.

"Mm, that going to fit inside me?"

"I'll make it fit"

Hoseok pushed in slowly as jungkook felt his walls being stretched,hoseok stopped as jungkook adjusted,once that was done jungkook nodded his head as hoseok slammed in and jungkook moaned loudly.

Hoseok thrusted hard,jungkook moaning loudly with every thrust,until he felt his climax building up.


"Cum for me slut!"

With that said jungkook came with a loud and high pitched moan,they both collapsed on the bed winding down from the recent activity.

"Jungkook...will you be my boyfriend?"


Oh my! And actually update!
Hehe~ I wanna hook up with someone so if ur free call me 😏💦

Omg that was the most cringe thing I've ever said....

Uhm hope you enjoyed hehe~

Uhm hope you enjoyed hehe~

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