Jealousy Got the Best of Me//Jikook 1

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Really cliché plot but whateva

Requested by: rehemgantille

Third person
Jimin giggled as he slapped his best friend; Kim Taehyung. "Jesus Christ Tae you're so embarrassing to hang out with." Jimin said laughing.

But, what Jimin didn't realize was that his boyfriend; Jungkook. Looked at the pair with disappointing eyes.

It was no lie that Jungkook was easily jealous. Even if someone asked Jimin a simple question Jungkook wouldn't hesitate to punch them, or even a little bump could make Jungkook's blood boil.

"So Tae, wanna get some drinks together or something?" Jimin asked forgetting the plans he made with his beloved boyfriend.

"Yeahhh, sure Chim. But...didn't you have plans with koo-." Taehyung said before being interrupted "It's fine! Jungkook wouldn't mind at all." Jimin said.

Jungkook balled his fist angrily and with tears threatening to fall. How could Jimin push away Jungkook like that? HIS BABY!

Jungkook POV
Jungkook walk away from the conversation and went to the bathroom to wipe his tears where he heard a strange sound. He didn't think too much of it since it was in school.

"Hey cutie.." a voice started, startling Jungkook. Jungkook rolled his eyes and turned around only to be met with none other than BeomSeok, the so called playboy of the school.

"Ugh, what do you want bastard?" Jungkook said unamused. BeomSeok licked his lips and smirked at his new "toy".

"Oh baby boy. You have so much to learn." BeomSeok said smirking a devilish smirk. Jungkook quickly ran away fortunately, fast enough so that BeomSeok couldn't catch him on time.

Breathing hard, Jungkook looked up and saw that he was near the boys locker room, Jungkook, being the curious type steadily picked the lock and went instead.

Of course, it smelled extremely terrible since it was the athletes locker room. Jungkook looked around and was amazed at how many things were in the locker room.

"AHEM." A voice startled Jungkook. "What is a cutie like you doing in this locker room?" The boy asked as he bent down and held Jungkooks jaw. "E-ermm..." was all Jungkook could get out as he felt his face burning up.

"So..cute, cat got your tongue? Are you taken cutie?" The boy said pinning Jungkook and was now massaging his ass, of course with Jungkook trying to stop him.

"M-my boyfriend is Park jimin!! H-he can b-beat you u-up!!" Jungkook cried out as he tried to stop the hands slowly taking off his pants.

"Park Jimin you say? That kid has some bad reputation. He won't mind if I get a little taste though!" The guy chuckled as he pinned Jungkooks arms above his head and took off Jungkooks pants.

"H-HEY!! HELPP! M-." Jungkook yelled before the guy covered Jungkooks mouth. "Shut the hell up. You don't want this to get ugly." The guy said as he spanked Jungkook.

Jungkook closed his eyes wanting this to be all over. A few minutes pass by and Jungkook hears the man groaning, Jungkook took the courage and open one of his eyes.

"J-jimin!!" Jungkook yelled in shock as he stared at his boyfriend in awe. Jimin had just punched the guy that was attempting to rape Jungkook. "Kookie, didn't I tell you to be careful? You know how these guys will act when they see a cutie like you." Jimin said with obvious disappointment in his voice.

"S-sorry Jiminie! I was j-just trying to umm see what was in here?" Jungkook stuttered, looking down as he shook. "What am I gonna have to do with a nosy bunny like you?" Jimin sighed, "Nothing Jiminie! It was a mistake honestly!!" Jungkook pleaded hopefully, "Damn..fine kookie! You're off the hook this time, you're lucky you're so cute." Jimin rolled his eyes playfully as jungkook giggled.

"But, we should get out before another fucker decides to rape you." Jimin said as he tugged jungkook along. As the pair got out of the locker room they went near the bleachers where Jimin needed to practice for football (soccer if you wanna go American).

Jimin sat Jungkook down while saying, "Hey kook, sit here for a while and watch me play?" Jungkook smiled a bit and said, "Sure hyung, I guess that could be fun." Jimin smiled and ruffled Jungkook's hair while kissing his cheek, then he jogged away going onto the field to play.

Jungkook sighed as he wasn't a big fan of sports himself, but he loved to watch Jimin play since a sweaty Jimin was a hot Jimin (you have weird ass kinks kook)

Jungkook's eyes would twinkle while his heart fluttered and his cheeks burned a light pink when he and Jimin would make eye contact, "We've been dating for a little over a year now and yet, I still feel like a freshman in love." Jungkook whispered as he looked down, blushing.

~Time skip~

Jungkook was currently on his bed FaceTiming Jimin just when taehyung came to interrupt the conversation, "Yo chim, you calling kookie again?" Taehyung asked putting his hand in the back of Jimins chair. "Yeah, I am. What do you want taetae?" Jimin chuckled a bit, it was an innocent conversation but jungkook could feel his heart tightening and he felt like crying.

"Ninie said she wanted to talk to you in the park." Taehyung sighed, "Seriously? Ight, so baby I guess I should deal with this. I'll talk to you soon kookie!" Jimin said frustrated, yet interested, "Oh, um alright jiminie!" Jungkook said trying to put on a fake smile.

Jimin left as jungkook sat on his bed and sighed, missing Jimin already. Until Jungkook got the great idea to "spy" on Jimin and this so-called Ninie person.

Jungkook ran down stairs putting on his coat and a mask almost forgetting his shoes. Jungkook ran to the park almost falling every step. Jungkook finally reached the park only seeing a bunch of kids, jungkook sighed deciding that he's wasting his time.

"Jiminieeeeeee!! Babyyyy!" A squeaky and fake ass voice said making jungkook cringe and his heart drop. Jungkook turned around to witness a girl with fake ass breast, ass, hair, smile, voice, lips, eyes-

"Heyyy Ninie! Don't call me baby heh. I'm not your boyfriend." Jimin said sarcastically chuckling, "Whatttt? Weren't we datinggggg?" Ninie said trying TOO hard to pout. "UM hell no!! I have a boyfriend and he's the best!" Jimin said slightly backing away from Ninie.

"Who said you can't cheat on him?" Ninie said as she pressed Jimins arm in between her fake boobs. Jungkook couldn't take anymore of this bull shit he was seeing, he ran back to his home to breakdown and cry.

~Time skip~ (It's the next day at school)

Jungkook sighed as he hadn't seen Jimin all day, Jungkook walked the corner to go to his classroom when he saw Jimin currently being flirted with by 5 different girls. Jungkook could feel his heart race as he just wanted to go and pull Jimin away. But he couldn't move.

Jungkook decided to take another route to his class since if he saw another person with Jimin he would've flipped.

Jungkook decided that he wasn't going to attend class so he just went up to the rooftop to think. He was suddenly started when Taehyung suddenly appeared, "Hey kookie! You're jealous aren't you?" Taehyung said chuckling at the youngers blushing cheeks.

"H-how'd you know.." Jungkook stuttered being flustered, "I know you kook, I know when you're jealous, and I have a plan to get Jimin back." Taehyung said smirking, "You do? What's the plan then all mighty Kim Taehyung!!?" Jungkook shouted but still intrigued.

"We act like a couple."

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