The Witness//Yoonkook

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Summary: where yoongi falls for the reader but doesn't know jungkook wants to be more close with his step brother

This is a chapter of were you are being a babysitter for the two brothers

No one's POV
Jungkook was at an adoption center since his parents died a couple of days ago...a very nice lady walked up to jungkook "hi There what's your name cutie?" The woman said "j-jeon j-Jungkook" Jungkook said in a very shaky voice "would you like to have a home?" The woman said as Jungkook nodded his head,the woman chose Jungkook to be there new son,soon she could take Jungkook home to see his now new step brother,at first yoongi hated the hybrid Jungkook and how much attention he got and he hated hybrids at that time,but soon loved the younger"
~end flashback~

(9:40 am)
Mrs.min walked carefully in her two sons shared bedroom,and shook her oldest son which was the hardest one to wake up in the family,sadly it failed then she woke up her light sleeper ~jeon Jungkook~I mean ~min Jungkook~luckily he woke up being younger,Jungkook was 12 while yoongi is 15

"Jungkook can you wake up yoongi for me?"


"Please Jungkook it's important"

"Ok mama~"

Jungkook walked in the bedroom and jumped on his brother like a five year old or younger..

"Jungkook get off."a stern voice said


"Get. Off. Now."

"Make me~" Jungkook said as he stuck his tongue out at his brother who was now facing him

"If I get up will you get off?"


Soon yoongi got up obviously tired,he walked lazily to the bathroom then out once he was at the table mrs.min cleared her throat

"Ahem~ Boys I have an announcement....I'm going to work FULL time this two months of summer break"

"Ok so?" Yoongi said wanting to go back to sleep

"So,I'm going to hire a babysitter"

"WHAT!!?????!!??" Yoongi said really upset

"But mom! I can take care of myself!"

"Yoongi,I made a decision,and I'm sticking to it"

"But mom that's not fair!"

"Yoongi your 15 your still too young to take care of Jungkook"



"Whatever...." yoongi mumbled to himself

"Mom~ is the babysitter a boy or a girl?" Jungkook said innocently


"Oh,how old is she momma" Jungkook said in interest

"She is about 20"

"WOW SHES YOUNG!"Jungkook said in a very excited voice

After they were done eating the babysitter arrived,and mrs.min called her two sons to meet the babysitter

𝐋𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐩𝐨𝐩//𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬//𝐉𝐊𝐱𝐁𝐓𝐒Where stories live. Discover now