Brotherly Love 1//Taekook

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Summary: where jungkook and taehyung are brothers end up falling for each other

Author POV/
Taehyung was in the cafeteria with Jimin,his Best friend,jimin was talking about his boyfriend and how kinky they can get,taehyung was getting a little annoyed because he didn't have a girlfriend or a boyfriend,yes,taehyung is bi

"OMG,STAB IT!"taehyung yelled
"Stop what?"
"Just because your single doesn't mean you can make me stop talking about it"
"Look taehyung,I can set you up with some people!"
"But I'm not a person that you can easily to get together with"
"Give it a chance taehyung"

Jimin gave taehyung a girls number,later back home taehyung dialed the number....

Kim taehyung:

Random number:
Hello?who is this?

Kim taehyung:
Oh! Sorry my name is taehyung

Random number:
Oh! Hello I'm Jennie

Jennie? Your in my math class,correct?


But how did you get my number?

My friend jimin gave me this number

I see

Are you single?


Maybe...we could hang out some time?

Oh,sure....can you send me a picture of what you look like?


Jennie:Oh! Cool!

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Oh! Cool!

yeah,it's with my younger brother,I'm on the left

Your brother's cute!
Oh,and you of course!

Haha....can you send me a pic of you?

Sure!this is with one of my friends,I'm on the right

Taehyung:You and your friend looks pretty! Are we still gonna meet up?

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You and your friend looks pretty! Are we still gonna meet up?


Great! When
Maybe....tomorrow,after school?

Sounds great!
Awesome! Bye!


Read 7:48pm

Taehyung POV/
Ok...I'm gonna be honest Jennie was really pretty,and hot,and- I can go on forever! I heard the door open,at that moment Jungkook came home from spending time with his friend,yugyeom,I came up to him and hugged him....for some reason

"Hyung...what's wrong?"Jungkook questioned
"Then why are you hugging me?"
"Just because"
"Da- tae....I need to go to my room"
"Did you almost call me daddy?"

Jungkook ripped himself out of my grip and walked up to his room with a blushing face he is so cute N-No....what are you thinking taehyung? I went up to my room to see Jungkook on my phone looking through my messages

"Jungkook! What are you fucking doing?!"
"Taehyungie got a CRUSH hehe"
"Jungkook I do not! And give me back my phone!"

Jungkook was jumping around and I was chasing him,we were making so much noise I didn't notice that our strict dad had already came home..

"AHEM" he said loudly
We both stopped and looked at him
We both stayed silent
"That is it"

Our dad pinned us against the wall and punched Jungkook,he had past out on the floor,then my dad hit me as well but not as hard,he walked away mumbling some stuff,I quickly ran to jungkook to wake him up...luckily he did,I kissed him on the cheek and carried him to the bathroom to bandage him up

~flash back~
Jungkook woke up on the balcony where his master had ordered him to be,he walked inside and saw his master laying on the couch sleeping,Jungkook gently woke him up for him to go to work,his master did eventually wake up groaning at Jungkook who was scared...his master pulled on his choker collar (like the one taehyung wore,the really long choked) "master" Jungkook said "what little bunny?" "W-where are we going?" "Hehe you will see" Jungkook's master went into a building that was not in the best shape,they both were pulled into the main area where Jungkook was thrown on a chair his hands and feet tied "give. Me. The. Money." Jungkook's master said to a man who appeared out of the shadows,the man gave Jungkook's master money and now Jungkook was alone with this man "you don't know how long I wanted to FUCK THAT ASS of yours" Jungkook shivered at the mans words "wait w-what?" "You heard me..." "but-" "shut up" the man untied Jungkook and brought him to a bed where he saw two more men,they plopped Jungkook on the bed "you ready guys?" The man said as the two gentlemen nodded,they began stripping Jungkook's clothes "p-please n-no ill do a-anything!" Jungkook stuttered,they ignored Jungkook's please,they all began stripping there own clothes,one men was by Jungkook a hole and the others were some where else on his body,the one that was at Jungkook's hole pushed in making Jungkook squeal and scream....
~end flashback~
Heyy ok this chapter has no vkook smut no vkook fluff....but I'm not in the mood to write smut,so the next chapter might be fluff...

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