Crush//JJKxBTS 4

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"I love you"

Third person
All the hyungs stood there,silently,not daring to even look at the poor maknae,the fucking bitc- I mean female dog 😅was the first one to speak.

"If you actually loved your hyungs then why didn't you kill yourself yet?"


"I mean,you would do anything for your hyungs right? So just do us all a favor"

"I-I guess"

"Then,kill. Your. Self.....simple"

Hoseok was the first member to speak up

"Why would jungkook kill himself?"

"Isn't that what you wanted?"


"I thought you all hated jungkook" jin spoke up

"I can explain the whole entire story...kookie"hoseok said

~Flash back (oh shi- sheet)~

Hoseok pov
I was in my room minding my own freaking business when I heard the door open then close,I turn around to be met with lihyun.

"Hey hoseok"

"Oh,hi lihyun-noona"

"I just wanted to want a little drink?"

"Uhm not right now..but thanks"

"Come on hoseok,don't be shy"

"No thanks lihyun-noona"

"Ugh your impossible!"

With that she left the room,I was suspicious of her so I went and followed her, she went in to her boyfriends room next and asked him the same thing she asked me, of course he offered to drink it, but what happened next wasn't what I expected, he collapsed on the floor, in my head I was mentally screaming what should I do what should I do, Should I call the others, or should I call 911,lihyun left the room so I hid and luckily she didn't see me, she went to the kitchen and put a white powder in the drink, when she left I picked up the white powder and read what the label was, apparently it was a powder that completely changes your emotions toward a person and if you drink that powder the person who gave you that drink can tell you who you can hate and Who you can like.

After that she gave it all to the members, and she tried to give it to me again but I refused so she only gave me a little bit of the powder but I was forced to drinking it.

~end flashback~

Third person
" so that is basically why the others have been treating you so badly"

" but why aren't you treating me badly anymore hyung?"

"I'm guessing the powder faded away or something"

"But that's impossible!"lihyun screeched

With that said lihyun phished jungkook onto the street until they heard a sound that nobody wanted to hear......the next thing you know jungkook was laying on the ground in a pool of blood.

FINALLY! Part 4! Part 5 coming (not really) soon!

𝐋𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐩𝐨𝐩//𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬//𝐉𝐊𝐱𝐁𝐓𝐒Where stories live. Discover now