This is my for my cousin (rose X suga)

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She made me write this okay?!

I'm sorry!!!

Plot:suga is preforming on stage when he sees rose then they become a couple :)


Suga pov
I was getting ready backstage with my band mates ready for another typical show,when I was done I took a peek outside to see who came so far,I saw a beautiful girl in the front with I think is one of her friends (?).

The show was done when I got up quickly to say bye to the ARMY's when I spotted the same beautiful girl

The show was done when I got up quickly to say bye to the ARMY's when I spotted the same beautiful girl

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I quickly tapped her on the shoulder,her face lighting up


"Uh- hi..?"

"This can't actually be real,right??" Her friend fangirled

"Hey,I'm suga"

"Oh..I know I'm chaeyoung but call me rose and this is my sister,Lisa"

"Hi!!"Lisa said

"Uhm...this might be sudden but would you like to come backstage with me?"



"Anyway..just come"

Rose POV
I was beyond surprised when suga,the BTS suga,asked me to come backstage with HIM,I came backstage ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) with suga but leaving Lisa behind...i know I'm gonna get bombarded with questions from the younger,he took me outside privately and held my hand (?!)

"So..I known you for only a little but...will you be my girlfriend?"

At this point I was beyond shocked 🤯 a Kpop idol but a famous kpop idol just asked me out?? Wtf!

"Uhmmmmmmm.......(don't blow it rose).......ssssssuuuuuuurrrrreeeee"


He leaned in slowly as I did as well until...



"O-oh are you having a moment here??" He asked

"Jungkook...I'm gonna best your (beep) when I get in there!"

I sighed and giggled as I knew it was gonna be a bright future

Third POV
~years later~
"Come back here Jackie!" Rose yelled

"But I must find rabbit!"

"Just sleep with fluffy or something.." suga yawned


"Jackie I found your stupid toy!"

"It's not stupid chaegi"

"It a stuff animal,and it stinks"

"Yah,you two stop fighting" suga yelled

Everything was great for the min family,they had two daughters named Jackie and chaegi....and nothing was better than this.

Oh,and if your wondering,Jungkook did get beaten by yoongi...

Ok there you go,don't ask me anymore


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