Pacify Her 2//HopeKook

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Sorry this took so long to publish 😞😣

Requested by:Igot2Biases (I hope this ok)

Hoseok pov
I sat down on a bench until my girlfriend sumi(I know it was lihyun in part 1 but my cousin requested to be in the story hope that doesn't change what you thought)sat down with a worried face

"What's wrong hoseok?"

"Nothing sumi..."

Our conversation was interrupted by yoongi (who was my bestfriend) who had a disappointed face

"I heard what you said"-yoongi

"What do you mean??"-sumi

"I heard hoseok screaming at jungkook for some reason..."-yoongi

"EH?! How could you hoseok?!"-sumi

"W-Wait...I thought you didn't care about jungkook?Sumi.."-hoseok

3rd person
Sumi punched his face and kicked his crotch and grabbed his hair and banged it against the wall,sumi threw him on the floor and jumped on his stomach,which caused him to have a bloody nose and a bloody mouth. (oh my...sumi requested it I'm sorry!!!!!!)

"UGH"-hoseok (she requested for him to say that lololol)

Sumi then left with yoongi secretly planning to ask him to be her boyfriend

'I guess I better fix things with jungkook then...' Hoseok thought

Hoseok walked to Jungkook's house,until he reached it,he rang the doorbell twice (hehe) until a figure opened it,it was Jungkook's mom

"JEON JUNGCOCK! your friend is here"


I saw jungkook running down the stairs he looked like he was crying.

*time skip*



I'll let you guys make the end 😉😂

I'm sorry that it was Uhm....bad
The next chapter will be angst so...


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