Run Baby Run (Perluke)

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I entered my mum's apartment, duffel bag over one shoulder and key in one hand. I was expecting the smell of freshly baked chocolate cookies. The smell that hit my nose instead was antiseptic and bleach which was unusual. I closed the front door and locked it. The apartment was awfully quiet.

Usually my mother would be in the kitchen baking and singing along to whatever was on the radio. I shrugged. Maybe she went out with Blofis.

I dumped the key on the bench before making my way to my room. I opened my door. My duffel bag got dumped on my bed.

I'd just come home from the beach, smelling like salt. It'd been a relaxing day. No Demigods I knew and no monsters that had to be slew.

I grabbed a bundle of clothes of the floor before heading to the bathroom.

When I entered the room, the door was locked behind me. I shimmied out of my hoddie and jeans and pulled my shoes off my feet before stepping into the shower. I turned the hot and cold tap on and let the water wash over me. The water always soothed me. I lathered shampoo into my hair, massaging my head with my fingers before rinsing out the shampoo. Conditioner went into my hair and was rinsed out as well. Next, I washed myself with the cake of citrus scented soap that was on the soap rack. Once I finished the cleansing process, I turned the taps off. Stepping out of the shower, I grabbed one of the blue fluffy towels that were hanging on the towel rack. I then put on the green hoddie and blue jeans that I grabbed from my room. I went back to my room.

Something wasn't right. When I'd left my bedroom, the door had been left open. Now, it was closed shut. My hand gripped the handle and turned it. The door swung inwards. I took a few steps backwards, running into the wall opposite of my room. Lounging on my bed was the one and the only son of Hermes, Luke Castellan. He winked at me, a lazy grin on his face.

"This bed is really comfy," he told me, softly. "Why go to camp when you have luxury right here?"

"Why raise Kronos when you can just talk to your father?" I snapped back at him.

I waited for him to say something back. He didn't.

"Why are you even here?" I asked. "How'd you get here?"

"I am a son of Hermes," Luke responded. "It's my thing."

I shook my head and walked into my room. I began to pick up socks that littered the floor.

"That doesn't answer the first question," I muttered under my breath, putting the socks into the correct draw.

"I didn't come here for you to clean your room," was all Luke said.

"I wasn't expecting visitors," I told Luke, avoiding all eye contact with him as I grabbed a pair of black, knee ripped jeans.

My body faced the direction of the cupboard beside the door. Its doors sung open. I grabbed a clothes hanger and folded the jeans over it.

"What brings you here?" I hooked the hanger back onto the metal bar running horizontally from left to right. "If I remembered correctly, you had a big fancy ship to lounge on."

"This bed beats any expensive couch," Luke admitted, blue eyes glancing up and down me. "Where you off to?"

I shrugged. "Somewhere," I told him. "Anywhere that will allow me to travel the unknown without trouble."

Luke scoffed. "You have no life," he mused. "I thought, since you're fifteen, you'd be out and about with Annabeth or your brother."

Without realising, I'd grabbed a metal clothes hanger and hurled it in Luke's direction. It bounced off the wall with a clang before it fell to my bed, and inch away from the son of Hermes' smirking face. Clenching my eyes shut, I sighed, heavily. I could hear the squeaks of spring mattress as Luke rose from it. His footsteps on the wooden floor as he advanced towards me. The presence of him inching closer to me was felt.

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