Letter to the Privilege (Pernico)

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To the one who I address this letter to,

My name is Nico di Angelo and I am not an average sixteen-year-old, but you already know that.

I suppose I should tell you why I'm writing this letter. Will insisted that for the good of my health, I write everything down that has influenced my life and well you really have.

At first, when we met, it was all a blur of confusion and excitement. Here my game of Mythomagic was suddenly a real-life thing when you came bursting in to save my sister and I from a manticore.

You, Percy Jackson, was my hero with raven-black hair and those piercing green eyes that never escaped my dark, isolated mind. You took me to a world unlike any other and I finally felt like I belonged somewhere. That was until you came back, my sister missing from the group of survivors.

I was an empty mass of anger and sadness as my ten-year-old self accused you for Bianca's passing. You'd promised me you'd keep an eye out for her and it broke me. You snapped everything inside of me that day as I unleased the powers of Hades, sending the skeletons that followed you back to the Underworld.

Then, to make everything worse, I ran away from you and camp. With my heart on resurrecting Bianca, I spoke to the dead, rising their spirits with McDonald Happy Meals. It's a bit of an ongoing joke now what with the irony behind it.

Anyways, what's next on my list? Oh yes, I remember.

I remember your intense loyalty that still exists. It was your fatal flaw, your potential downfall to everything that occurred in your life. You risked your very existence to follow me, trying to change my decisions. And in the end, you were right. Bianca didn't need reviving. She was always going to be around me even if it wasn't in the flesh.

I can't exactly recall the amount of times you saved my life, but I can tell you that I'm extremely thankful. Without you, I would've been on Luke's ship, fighting on the wrong side of the war. Also, I wouldn't have had any of your mother's delighted blue cake or even have enjoyed that very simple birthday party of yours's. Without me, Luke's dramatic plan to overthrow the gods would have succeeded and you would've been dead. But you only knew about the curse of Achilles because you saved my life, allowing me to discover the way of defeating Luke.

So thus forth, the war was solved, and you turned sixteen. You got the girl of your dreams, thanked me for getting my father to fight and then completely forgot me. But that didn't matter as I went to the Underworld and there I discovered Hazel, my Roman half-sister. Because of this, I discovered the Roman camp, but I swore silence on the River Styx. But that didn't matter as Hera swept you away with no memories, so she could join the Greeks and Romans. And yet again, I apologise for saying I never knew you whilst you had amnesia. I couldn't ruin Hera's plans to defeat Gaia, but you have no idea how much I really wanted to tell you.

However, I once again needed to thank you for saving my life. I thought I was going to die in that claustrophobic jar and I'm grateful of you and Jason putting aside your differences to save me, an unimportant son of Hades. But you knew there must've been something important about me other than Hazel's love for her brother. Then, you fell into Tartarus just because you couldn't be parted from Annabeth. I was still shocked by how you entrusted me to lead the group to the Doors of Death in the House of Hades. But I felt proud that I finally had a purpose in life.

It reminded me of when you promised to keep Bianca safe. I had promised you to take them safely to the Doors of Death and I did... well let's not talk about the scar on Jason's head... besides the lip one because both of those weren't my fault. Or Hazel and her magic that I hid from you all. And then there was that moment where I was holding hands with you while we group shadow-travelled. Gods, I still remember Jason's smirk as he noticed the embarrassment on my face. He's one lucky Roman and you are too to have that new-found friendship with him... even if Grover is still out there somewhere in the world.

I suppose I should be thankful for Jason as well. Without him, I wouldn't have had the confidence to stand up to Cupid or to travel with Reyna and Coach Hedge to deliver the statue of Athena. Heck, I even wore a Hawaiian t-shirt that all you knuckleheads missed out on.

But in the end, it felt good to have something to live for. Restoring the peace between the Romans and Greeks was something that I'm proud to have been apart of. Even if Leo had died and disappeared but hey he's back now. Mind you he had the best welcome back party ever and I was surprisingly happy seeing people hit him.

Also, since I'm giving up on writing this letter to the best of my ability, it now looks like a mass of random words, so I yet again apologise.

However, I have to go. Will is being a nuisance, saying he wants to check my health now that I've covered pages with words. Between you and me, I'm glad I have Will. He's may not be such a big hero or a big softie, but he is brilliant... and very hot... in temperature I mean.


from your very deathly friend,

Nico di Angelo.

PST. Hope all is going well in your studies.

Here is a letter Nico wrote to Percy just after Apollo left with Leo and Calypso. It was to be delivered to the Son of Poseidon however, Percy was sent to Boston, so he never received this letter. It is in the loving care of Sally Jackson who is now a busy mum of not just Percy but also Estelle.

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