Confessions (Percico)

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Darkness surrounded everything except for the sliver of moonlight that danced upon the teenage boy’s curled up figure. His eyelids were closed over his twinkling green eyes and his narrow mouth was opened slightly. Slight trickles of drool rolled down the teenager’s face as it pooled on the pillow that his head rested upon.

The other teenage boy, the younger and brunette one, rolled over so that he was no longer facing his boyfriend. His brown eyes drifted to the ceiling of his cabin as he placed his hands under his back. While his boyfriend slept, he was always tempted to trace circles on the boy’s thin yet muscular frame. However, Nico knew how much Percy hated it so instead of succumbing to his temptation, he counted to one hundred in his mind. The son of Hades shook his head, shaking Percy’s sleeping form.

“Percy,” he whispered. “Percy, wake up.”

A grumbled escaped from the older teenager as Nico’s hands traced his spine.

“What?” he asked. “What is it that you want?”

Nico moved his body so that he was leaning against the bedhead. His eyes focused on his boyfriend’s hunched figure.

“I’m going back to sleep,” Percy muttered. “Night Nico.”

The son of Hades shook his head. “No,” he said. “I want to ask you something.”

The moonlight made Percy’s raven-black hair look silver.

“I’m trying to sleep,” Percy grumbled. “Can it wait until morning?”

“It is morning,” Nico said, looking at his watch. “Three o’clock to be exact.”

Percy rolled away from Nico, a sigh escaping from his throat. “Fine,” he said. “You win this time.”

Nico clicked his tongue as he pulled Percy closer to him. “I always win, Perce,” he whispered. “You know that.”

Percy loosened Nico’s grip. “That’s not true,” Percy stated. “My team beat your team in Capture the Flag yesterday.”

Nico rolled his eyes. “Only because you had Jason and Annabeth with you,” Nico protested. “No one can win against you three.”

Percy laughed. “Whatever you say, Neeks,” he said, placing a light kiss on the younger teen’s nose. “Now what did you want to talk about?”

There was silence between the two boys before Nico decided to finally tell Percy.

“I was thinking of why you said yes to me,” Nico said. “You were sleeping peacefully, and I was thinking of how I landed up with you as my boyfriend.”

Percy huddled closer to Nico, sharing the blue blanket with his boyfriend. “I tell you all the time,” Percy said. “It’s because I love you.”

“But I’m not blonde like the others,” Nico blurted out.

Percy placed a finger on Nico’s lips. “You don’t have to be,” he stated. “I was only young and well Luke and Annie were there to guide me.”

“What about Jason?”

Percy giggled. “We’re just bros and you know that,” he said. “Besides if we did anything we’d tell you.”

Nico glared at Percy. “You better be joking, Perce because if I-“

Percy kissed Nico. “Nah, the best we do is hugs and playful kisses,” he admitted. “Yeah, we also flirt but it’s all goods. I’m fully committed to this relationship.”

“Since that’s the case…”

Nico pulled Percy’s slightly rough lips to his smooth ones. They stayed like that, Percy sitting on Nico’s laps as Nico trailed his hands up and down the older male’s body. His fingers found his way to Percy’s shirt before he pulled it off the sea spawn.

“Nico,” Percy muttered. “Nico…”

“Shh, it’s okay,” Nico said as he laid Percy so that Nico was straddling his hips. “I know I promised we’d take it slow and we are.”


The son of Hades cut him off when he began to trail his hands down the bare chest of Percy. His lips peppered kisses up and down the chest as Percy’s hands clutched Nico’s shirt. He tugged it off his boyfriend, creating equality between the two of them.

“You’re doing fine,” Nico said as his fingers rested on the waistband of Percy’s shorts. “We’ll take it slow, I promise.”

Percy nodded, allowing Nico to slide down his shorts. Nico whistled in approval before dropping them beside his bed. Percy felt red creep into his cheeks as Nico began to lower his hands to Percy’s legs. However, he pulled back, recollecting Percy’s pants.

“Nico…” Percy trailed off as Nico pulled his pants back on. “What’s wrong?”

“I can’t do this to you,” Nico admitted. “I’ve never done this. When Will and I were mucking about, he always topped.”

“I know someone who could help…” Percy said.

“I’m not asking Will,” Nico stated. “We’re officially through.”

“What about Jason?” Percy asked. “Trust me, Jay knows what he’s doing.”

Nico raised an eyebrow. “What have you two been really doing?” Nico questioned. “Honestly, you’re never going near that blonde again.”

“He’s dating Annie,” Percy said. “Sometimes they try different things and well they don’t call Jay perfect for no reason.”

Nico’s head shook. “I’m never letting you hang around those two again,” Nico said, laying his head on Percy’ chest. “They’re tainting you.”

“Says you,” Percy muttered. “You pointed out all the dirty jokes in Disney movies so now I can’t watch them the same.”

“Puh-lese, you already knew those.”

Percy folded his arms across his bare chest. “Only because you decided it’d be funny to enlighten me to all those crude images,” Percy muttered. “My mum didn’t even tell me.”

Nico laughed as his fingers traced Percy’s collarbone. Just seeing the son of Poseidon underneath, he made his life a whole lot more eventful. He remembered telling Percy that he wasn’t his type before Nico and Will got together, strolling in the sunset with smiles on their face. But then Will… Will broke up with him all because Harley, Leo’s brother, decided to take a fancy to the son of Apollo. Nico was floating around in the shadows, half-in and half-out of his dream-like state until Percy Jackson had spotted him on one of his rare camp visits.

“Neeks?” Percy called out, waving a hand in front of the son of Hades. “Neeks?”

Nico brought his lips down on Percy’s, thankful that the sea spawn had re-entered his life when Annabeth and Jason decide to date. Nico owed Percy so much even when Percy began to fall for Nico as they slowly picked up their broken friendship. Only it was weaved into a relationship where Percy was naïve one, struggling to be the right boyfriend for Nico. However, Nico didn’t care. He quite liked how Percy was experiencing his fondness of men with him.

“Gods,” Percy muttered as he pulled his lips from Nico’s. “I’m so sorry that this is all we can do.” Tears were evident in Percy’s eyes as his body shivered. “I’m so sorry.”

Nico drew Percy closer to him. “Don’t be,” he murmured as he kissed the older male’s forehead. “Never be sorry because we’re both not ready to take the last step.”

Percy nodded, crawling back up to the stack of pillows.

“We’ll talk to Jason tomorrow since you highly recommend his advice,” Nico said as Percy’s eyes it up with happiness. “But no, we are not joining Annabeth and Jason’s indoor… and outdoor activities.”

“’Tis fine,” Percy muttered as his eyes flickered. “’Tis fine.”

Nico covered the sea spawn with the blanket. He laid beside the other teenager, wrapping his arms around the muscular frame.

“Go back to sleep,” Nico lulled. “We’re get everything sorted out.”

Percy’s eyelids shut over his green eyes once again before he fell into another one of his heavy sleep. Nico let out a sigh. Hopefully, they’d be able to become comfortable to do normal couple things.

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