Christmas with the Son of Poseidon (multi-ship)

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The last of the glittery decorations were hung up onto the small pine tree which was situated in the corner of the cabin. The colour scheme was blue and silver which suited the decorator’s taste. Little white lights twinkled which caused the tinsel to cast its mark on the cabin’s roof.

The only person in the room sighed, heavily, the sound echoing around the cabin, breaking the stillness. He examined his masterpiece before nodding his head in approval.

Percy Jackson was no artist. Many people could tell you that. However, whatever he did to this tree made it a magnificent sight. It created a whole new feeling to Cabin Three. The tree was that enchanting that so many people lost themselves to the beautifulness of it by dancing around it in a trance like state.

But no one had visited him in almost two weeks. Christmas was only a day away and not even Annabeth had talked to him. The blonde daughter of Athena had ignored him for four weeks. She had come to his cabin and said that she was super busy and had no time for him. So, the son of Poseidon decided to pay her a visit last week. He'd knocked on the door of Annabeth's cabin but no one had answered. Percy had no idea as to why she had stopped talking to him but he'd overheard the reason from her when she was conversing with Malcolm.

Annabeth planned on asking Hades if he could bring back the ones who died. The rest of the conversation wasn't heard by Percy. Nico and Jason, being who they are, had dragged him to the Hades' cabin. Honestly, all they wanted from Percy was for him to side with one of them. Jason wanted to decorate the cabin with Christmas stuff but Nico wasn't budging. It was bad enough that Will had forced him to help decorate Apollo's cabin. Percy didn't agree with anyone. He just left the cabin, heading straight to his own.

And here he was now, a day before Christmas, completely avoiding everyone as they were avoiding him. It was almost midnight and Percy shook his head in frustration. If only he stopped pushing people away. This was the first Christmas he was spending away from his immediate family despite him having a new baby sister. He wanted this to work out.

The sound of someone's fist connecting with his door brought the sea god's son out of his thoughts. Percy sighed as he walked over to the cabin's door. His hand gripped the doorknob, knuckles turning white, the saliva in his mouth, hard to swallow. His breath was slightly heavy as he slowly turned the doorknob, allowing the door to swing inwards.

Standing in the doorway was a group of demigods. People he'd gotten to know over the years. The person whom had knocked on the door was Jason, followed by Nico then Annabeth. The line of familiar faces just kept getting longer. Jason pulled Percy out of Cabin Three, closing the door shut as soon as Percy left the residence.

"Come on, bro!" He exclaimed. "It's Christmas Eve!"

Percy allowed Jason to continue pulling him along. He was surprised. Percy didn't realise that they were all going to come to his cabin just to collect him.

"Where are we going, bro?" Percy asked Jason.

Jason grinned. "It's a surprise, Perce," he laughed. "None of us are going to tell you anything. Also, you owe me a dance around your tree."

“Okay, bro.”

Soon, they arrived at the Amphitheatre. The bonfire was lit in multiple colours which ranged from blue to red. Percy’s eyes darted around the Amphitheatre. His sea green eyes rested on vibrant blue eyes that Percy hadn’t encounter for years. He dragged Jason over to the person who belonged to those loveable eyes.

“Come on, Jason!” Percy exclaimed. “I want you to meet someone.”

Percy stopped in front of the person, a grin evident on his face. Percy wrapped his arms around the son of Hermes before stepping back beside Jason.

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