Sunflower (Solangelo)

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Sunflower - Part One

"Babe, are you even listening to me?"

My boyfriend was seriously starting to annoy me as we laid in my bed, enjoying the softness of the music that was playing on my phone.

"Babe?" He called again.

Will Solace was the best boyfriend anyone could ask for. The blonde haired teenager was always there and ready to help me whenever I needed it. Perks of being a son of Apollo, I suppose.

But lately, it'd been a whole different story.

"I heard," I told Will as he continued holding my hand. "Percy and I will be fine."

It had been almost a month since the death of our close friend, Jason Grace. The son of Jupiter had risked his life to save Apollo, Meg and Piper by fighting against a Roman Emperor. His body had been left burned and charred, almost always reminding me of the way Luke and Octavian died. Except Jason was a hero not a villain.

Will thought that after all the deaths that surrounded me, he needed to be by my side always. He was always holding me close and telling me that everything happened for a reason. I didn't need his support. I was, after all, a son of Hades, a part of the Underworld with all of the deep, dark creepiness that lurked.

"Nico, I just-"

"My crush on Percy is gone, Will," I snapped. "How many times do we need to have this conversation?"

Will squeezed my hand. "I just don't want you to redevelop your crush while you're away with Percy," he sighed.

Percy and I were taking a wild adventure to the Underworld. Hades had said he never wanted to see Percy down there again but this time, like the last times, there was a perfectly valid reason. We wanted to make sure that Jason had found his way to Elysium, the place where all heroes went.

"I would never dream of breaking up Annabeth and Percy," I said to Will. "They deserve each other."

I had thought of breaking the couple up multiple times but I never went ahead and did it. Even when I had admitted to Percy that I had once had a crush on him when we were younger. Annabeth, who was there as well, wasn't mad at me. Instead, which I will admit was a bit weird, she had given me a high five and congratulated me.

"You say that now but later, it'd be completely thrown out of the window," Will stated, lifting himself up to lean against the bedhead. "I value our relationship and I don't want all of our efforts to be wasted away."

I planted a kiss on Will's forehead before as I got up into a sitting position beside him. My arms wrapped around his body.

"I love us too," I told him, bringing myself closer to Will. "I'm glad we got together."

Will brought his arms around my thin frame, giving me a slight squeeze.

"You have some fun on your journey," he said. "You deserve a break and I'd rather you spend it with Percy than a random stranger."

I laughed, laying a soft punch on Will's shoulder.



Hiya all,

Here's a tiny little update.

I know it's not much but I am swamped with Uni assignments and am currently on a major creative block.

On a side note, I'm watching Endgame tonight with some friends so that ought to be amazing!

Thanks y'all


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