School Meeting (Percy & Luke)

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“I don’t understand,” came a voice, full of confusion, as a man entered the classroom, stopping at the unoccupied teacher’s desk.

All eyes in the room focused on the newcomer as mixed expression of boredom and curiosity lingered on their faces. Except one, in which his face showed not only confusion but also shock.

“Okay,” the older man said to the class of students. “As you may be aware, I will be your new teacher.”

The teacher’s appearance resembled that of a high school jock. He had sandy blonde hair and electric blue eyes that suited well with the white buttoned-tee and dark blue denim jeans.

The boy, who displayed a different expression to his class, had a reason behind it. He knew something that the others did not know. In a way, it had to be like that, after all he was a demigod, half mortal and half god.

The blue-eyed teacher looked down at the green-eyed boy and flashed a grin in his direction. This caused for the teenager to roll his eyes as he ran a hand through his raven-black hair.

“My name’s Mr. Castellan,” the new teacher told everyone. “I’ve just started so I really expect you all to not be misfits.”

Mr. Castellan clapped his hands, his signature grin still on his face.

“Now, we’re going to play an introduction game, mainly because you all look like you’ve just escaped death,” he said, a little too cheery. “We’ll start from the back and make our way to the front.”

Despite the many groans that escaped from the teenager’s mouth, Mr. Castellan still wanted his ridiculous game to continue.

It began with Mallory Games. No one had ever heard her speak and her introduction shocked quite a few people. Finally, it came to the last person. The raven-haired teenager stood up and cleared his throat.

He hated these things. He hated introducing himself to people that he would never even talk to. After all, it was better to be distant to people instead of being attached. Anything could go wrong in the life of a demigod, and this boy really didn’t need anything else to go wrong in his life.

Especially since Mr. Castellan and him shared a past that he really didn’t want to be resurfaced.

But the fates were never for him. Always against him.

“Name’s Percy,” the boy said, his eyes locking onto Mr. Castellan’s. “Percy Jackson.”

Mr. Castellan clapped his hands, urging the class to do the same. Percy slumped back in his seat, wishing that he accepted his mum’s offer to take a sick day.

Things really couldn’t get worse, or could they?

Percy rolled his eyes as Mr. Castellan hushed the class back to silence.

“Today’s lesson is on our favourite, Greek Mythology,” the teacher explained before turning to Percy. “Care to help me enlighten your fellow peers on the one and only Kronos?”

“I actually need to go to the bathroom, sir,” Percy blurted out. “May I please go?”

Mr. Castellan grinned at him. “That’s what lunch is for,” he chuckled. “Besides, you’re not using that as an excuse to escape class time, Jackson.”

Percy rolled his eyes before rising out of his seat. He stood at the front of the room and told the class all he knew about Kronos. The boy was sick and tired of hearing the Titan’s name as much as he was sick of Mr. Castellan and his perfectly aligned rows of white, pearly teeth. He really had no idea how the older man managed to keep them in such a good condition but that was a question process for another day. Right now, he just had to get through the humiliation the teacher was putting him through.

“So, to summarise, Kronos is the King of Titans and father to Hera, Hestia, Demeter, Poseidon, Zeus and Hades.”

Percy took his seat again and instead of focusing on Mr. Castellan, it all went to the fan that sat in the corner of the room. He stayed like that until the bell rang for lunch. Except he wasn’t allowed to leave the room, being forced to watch everyone do the one thing he wanted to do.

“So, Percy,” Mr. Castellan drawled. “Long time no see.”

Percy rolled his eyes. Luke Castellan really annoyed him. The son of Hermes was always pestering him but he’d never done it whilst he was at school. Percy was much too tempted to ask why he was here but he really didn’t want to waste his energy of something that he had an answer to anyways.

Luke wanted Percy to join his team. Team Titans. Team Kronos. The Let’s Go Against Powerful Gods and Lose team.

Percy’s answer was always a no. It wouldn’t change.  Luke should’ve got that through his thick skull by now but the older man was much too optimistic and refused to give up.

“I saw you a month ago,” Percy shrugged. “Kind of had enough of your face to be honest.”

Luke scoffed.

“Are you seriously doing this? In a school?” Percy continued. “You’ve sunk pretty low these days Castellan.”

The blue-eyed man rolled his eyes.

“Or are you tired of defeat, and you’re surrendering?”

“Surrender? Me?” Luke chuckled as his hand ruffled Percy’s hair. “You’re still funny, son of Poseidon.”

“Look, can we do this later, while I’m not in school?” Percy asked, a hint of annoyance in his voice. “I really hate mixing the Greek with the mortal.”

“Just tell me if you’ve decided to say yes to joining me,” Luke sighed. “Either way, I want this to just be a peaceful gatho, hence the school setting.”

“You know I’m always going to say no,” Percy told him. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a meeting with another teacher.”

Luke raised an eyebrow. “When’d you become so formal?” He asked. “It’s unusual.”

Percy rolled his eyes. “It has its perks,” he said, picking up his backpack beside the desk.

He slung it over his shoulders as he rose from the chair.

“I guess I’ll see you next time, Luke,” he said.

Luke nodded his head. “Yeah, I guess so too,” he agreed. “Stay safe.”

Percy shrugged. “We’re demigods,” he said. “Staying safe is not in the books.”

Luke chuckled one last time before watching the teenager exit the classroom. He’d really hoped that he had more time to persuade Percy but now there was nothing he could do. The next time he saw the younger one, he would be Kronos’ vessel and very much not alive.


So two updates in the span of two days. Wow, I'm actually so shook with myself HAHAHA.

So, the thing is, I don't know if this makes sense or if there is errors.

I did a boo boo and decided to not reread and edit like I normally do.


I was just so excited to get you guys another update.

Especially anything to do with two of my favourite demigods.

I was going to post this just after midnight, on the 28th of december but I decide to give it to you all on 27th.

I hope you enjoy this and I really appreciate feedback and/or requests



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