Chin Up Tiger (Part Two)

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Blood trickled down the grainy sand, heading for the stream of murky water. Weapons laid abandoned on the ground, a spear snapped in half, and a sword slightly bloodied. A mangled Hellhound was slumped on the ground, a golden like substance trickling out of an arrow wound before the body itself floated away in a gush of golden dust. The boy, who was kneeled beside where the corpse once was, looked from the ground and then to the air. He followed the ashes as they disappeared from sight, before picking up his bloodied sword and rising to his feet. Campers gathered around the boy; a mix of expressions plastered on their faces. Shock. Anger. Pity. There were too many for me to take account of.

Personally, I was shocked, especially when a symbol glowed above the boy’s head.

A sea green trident.

Poseidon’s spawn.

One of the Big Three’s children.

Percy Jackson was a son of the water god and the symbol that floated above his head confirmed it all.

Which was meant to be impossible due to an oath Hades, Poseidon and Zeus created after World War II. An oath to no longer reproduce children. According to Chiron, the Olympic Council voted the decision due to the Big Three’s children being too powerful, uncontrollable and unstoppable.

I rubbed my eyes before looking at Percy once again. Chiron was talking to the Demigods, but my ears didn’t catch on.

Everyone knew Zeus was always going to break the oath, but Poseidon? Based on my experiences with the Sea God, I would never have thought that he’d break a sacred oath sworn on the River Styx.  Yet, here was Percy Jackson, a bent sword gleaming in his right hand and Clarisse’s broken spear at his feet. Thank the gods that spear no longer exists.

The crowd began to disperse, picking up discarded weaponry and armour before heading back to camp. A sigh escaped from between my lips as I sat down in the beach, digging my toes into the slightly wet sand. My eyes focused onto the spot where the hellhound’s corpse had rested not even a few minutes ago.

How had a hellhound gotten into camp?

Chiron always said that hellhounds had to be summoned inside the camp. That was the only way for them to get in. This was a bad thing. It meant that someone inside of camp had on purpose raised a hellhound and to do what? Surely it wasn’t just sent here to kill Percy. He wasn’t even claimed until after Chiron killed the creature. This should not have happened, and I was sure that fingers were going to point at me since I was responsible for Capture the Flag.

Familiar footsteps sounded behind me, the sand beside me sinking downwards as someone sat down. Arms wrapped around me, drawing me closer the person they belonged to. I relaxed into their embrace, thankful for the company.

“Chin up, Tiger,” came Luke’s voice. “No one is blaming you.” I sat there, letting him continue. “The camp is still a little panicked, but I have not heard anyone say anything about you yet.” He sighed. “Turns out Percy is going on a quest with Annabeth and Grover too.”

“Annabeth?” I questioned. “Did she really finally do it?”

“Persuade someone to let her tag along? Of course, she did,” Luke said. “This is Annie we’re talking about.”

“I can’t believe she’s going on a quest,” I chuckled. “When are they leaving and what exactly is this quest?

Luke looked at me, a glimpse of confusion in his blue eyes. “You don’t know about Zeus’ bolt missing, do you,” he asked, my head nodding in response. “Gee Savvy, where have you been lately.”

I shrugged as he droned on about how the bolt had been missing since the trip to Olympus. A trip unclaimed campers couldn’t attend.

“So, Zeus thinks Percy has the bolt?” I said in disbelief. “No way Percy could do that. He legit only found out he was a demigod like a few weeks ago.”

Luke nodded, a strand of blond hair falling in front of an eye. “It doesn’t make sense,” he told me. “Anyways, I think they’re leaving soon. Want to come say bye?”

Percy and I hadn’t gotten off on the right foot when I met him earlier in the cafeteria. We ended up making peace during the game, apologizing for upsetting one another and creating unnecessary drama. He seemed like a good kid. Some of the twelve-year-old campers were mischievous and a little nasty but Percy seemed like someone who had gone through so much problems, that he didn’t want to be one to others.

“I want to say bye,” I told Luke.

He rose to his feet, pulling me up as well


Hey guys

So my second year of Uni has started back up. It seems pretty full on and busy once again.

I decided to give you part two split up so you all have new content to read HAHAHA

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