4) Reunion

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Marie's POV:

Tess was gone, it was me who had made the decision of taking her role away from her. I had gotten out of the sewer pipe and was making my way to the broadcast station for my interview, they had surprisingly made time for me. All I could think of was the real reason I took away Tess' title of being agent 4.

I took her role away from her because I thought she was too confident, she rushed into situations too much but when I first saw her I thought she was a perfect fit. I guess I've always been bad with choices but now this was my punishment for being so. My punishment was to find a new agent so I could find someone else, and that someone else is someone who was very dear to me, she is the person I worked with and will soon always work with.

Except now she was missing. I stopped moving my feet, it would seem I had been so into thought I walked past the broadcast station I was meant to work with today. I stepped inside and got ready for another day in the studio.


In the studio:

"Alright and we're rolling!"

It was the producers voice in the interview, it seemed today I was going to get some tricky questions.

"So Marie what inspired you to pursue your pop star career?" 

I looked back at the man who just asked the question I heard three days in a row.

"It's been too many times I've been asked this, I guess you could say someone got me into my career."

"Oh really and who's that someone?"

"I'd rather not say..."

As soon as I said that everyone looked at me with horror, as I looked around I realized I was meant to answer the questions and not avoid them. Darn it, I've seen many other celebrity's do this trick so why couldn't I get it right?

Of course if my old roommate was there then she would have done the questions for me, I smiled at the thought of thinking about her. It had been awhile since I thought of something nice.

"So I guess you won't tell us, ok then we have been having this question appear a lot recently, do you think you will part away as a squid sister and become a solo singer?"

I fell silent, not realizing that the broadcast was live I looked at the man asking the question then looked around me. Everyone was desperate for my answer but I fell quiet  for what seemed like an eternity, everyone was expecting an answer but I couldn't reply. Sooner or later a man came up to me and started to whisper in my ear.

"Um... You may need to answer that question because the crew is saying you won't get paid if you don't answer..."

I looked at the man then looked down, this was going to be a painful interview.


After the interview:

I got out of the studio, tears about to form in my eyes but I held them back.  Those people asked the most painful questions. The broadcast had been sent live already and now I was ready for people to react to how bad it went. 

Even on her first interview the person I worked with always had her lips up ready for a smile, I seemed to be the exact opposite. Is that why everybody liked me more then Her? 

I went back towards the direction of my apartment, making sure to buy a jacket for warmth. As the night came it bought a chill down my spine. I had finally reached my goal of world stardom but it was harder then it looked.

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