23. Battle 2

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Purple 8's POV:

What have I done?

I guess this was always my life, fulfilling missions and trying to take revenge on inklings but...

When you think about it...I guess inklings are like us, They have feelings and separate lives but because of a conflict that happened years ago, we have to fight. It's weird to think like this considering an hour ago me, Purple 9 and Zen just revived an inkling.

I looked around the arena that we were in and finally my head tilted itself up and it saw her, the third agent we were meant to kill.

I got out my octo-shot and readied my ink, as long as I could make it alive today then I could make a big leap towards octoling-kind. Once we get rid of this agent, then we will only have agents two and four to take care of...again. And agent 1...well, I have no idea what's up with her but I can't really be thinking about this now...

A splashdown was soon heard and I was lost in though, my battle was about to begin but my thoughts to what Zen said about it being my final battle still bugged me. I ignored it and started shooting, somehow, as I was doing this, only one thing came out in my mind:

"Why are we doing this?"





Tess' POV:

"And WALLAH, another kettle has magically been opened!!!"

"Are you gonna question how it even opened...or how you managed to escape the attack yesterday?"

We were in the second sector and what used to be a blocked path ended up completely turning around into a full on road to victory.

Yesterday when I managed to escape with Rachel I put her at her house door and ran off. The whole incident yesterday wasn't aired on the news which seemed odd but I had a hunch that it was to not alarm too many people. Which was fine since it was already hard acting cool in front of mom when I got home, she was too tired to answer me though so she just went to bed out of exhaustion.

"So...you gonna answer any of my questions Tess?"

"Oh, sorry...whenever I hear you I just completely have the urge to ignore you. Don't worry though, its nothing personal..."

"Non taken...", He sounded annoyed at my remark.

"Anyway, before you had the guts to actually call me I pieced out how the octoling's got to the reef without being spotted..."

"Oh wow, really?! How?"

"Its simple...", I faced towards another kettle that me and Sheldon had disregarded before, "This was a kettle leading to the reef, whilst at first we may have ignored it I realized just today that the way that the octolings were invading was by that kettle. We've taken their electricity now so they can't really invade us anymore..."

"You managed to figure all of this out?"

"Well...yeah...anyway, lets head into the boss, TO THE THIRD SECTOR!!!"

"Tell me Tess, do you miss Marie?"


That caught me off guard. I had been trying to forget all about Marie since the day she was killed but there was always this feeling every time I passed by her old place of hanging in inkopolis square that I felt regret...

"Yeah...I guess its because of her I managed to become agent 4 of the squidbeak splatoon but...she's gone now and..."

"Tess, the reason she never told you anything about herself before was because she liked having someone who didn't know about her...but I think she was planing to tell you more about herself when you got to a level of maturity..."

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