61) Escape

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Marie's POV:

I can't believe it. I looked over at Mask without her disguise whilst Tess was sobbing.

"Callie... you idiot..."

The three octoling's of the groups came over to me in confusion and then as they saw her, everything clicked. All three of us figured it out.

"Those glasses are the brand new ones that Octavio gave out to all the new octolings. Do you think it's what got everyone to start a suicidal war with us today?"

"It's believable," Rose replied, "I always considered myself too cool for the latest model so of course I wouldn't know. I'm pretty sure Zen didn't either since she was given hers but couldn't get into the habit of using them when she was promoted. It's a possibility that it could brainwash the user."

"It makes so much sense, what's your opinion Marie?"

I turned to them. "Just take her in with us. I need to protect her and I've got a lot of stuff to say and ask, so we might as well get to the bottom of this."

They all abided. As Marina was walking by me to follow my order she had to open her mouth first.

"Are you ok with this?"

"No, I absolutely hate it."

Just then, Callie got up again. She had anger across her face. I could not see her eyes since they were covered by the shades that I had just discussed to the octoling about, but her anger was apparent.

"I wanted to kill you agent 2!" Her teeth gritted itself visibly. "But now I can't."

"Callie, let's head home and fix everything-"

"There's a spawn-point set to Octo valley for me." She took her Octo shot and changed her ink colour to contrast with the one of the gun. "Toodles, can't wait for our rematch!"


I ran to Callie, but as soon as she shot, I went through the differently coloured ink that came out. She was gone. Every time I could ever get close to her, she would be ten steps away.

I gritted my teeth. "Dammit!" I hit the ground in anger.

They all managed to escape... every single one of the octarians we splatted, and yet we our casualties were dead. It was unfair!


You gonna continue the bundle?

Meet the cast:

1. Tess as the main character
2. Rachel as her best friend
3. Joe as the air-headed one
4. Kai as the smart guy
5. Koy as the rival
6. Marie as the mystery
7. The interviewer as the questioner
8. Octo oven as the first boss encounter
9. Sheldon as the weapon supplier
10. crusty Sean as the grub guy
11. Rachel's mom as the cautious one
12. purple 9 as the big octoling
13. Tess' mom as the mom
14. Marina as the kind one
15. Pearl as the sassy kid
16. Koy's mom as the strict parent
17. Koy's Dad as the chance-giver
18. Purple 8 as a trendsetter
19. Sora as the young brother
20. Luka as the older sister
21. Zen as Purple 7
22. Octo samurai as the second boss encounter
23. The teacher as the knowledge giver
24. Octostomp as the third boss encounter
25. Callie as the other squid sister
26. Octo shower as the fourth boss encounter
27. Mask as the new octoling in town

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