73) Disappearing Power

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Tess' POV:

I was allowed to see Zen today. My mother had seen how she meant a lot to me, and when I told her all about Rose, it sparked an interest in her. So on this day, I also got to see Zen in her new apartment.

When I got inside, boxes were littered everywhere. She had used all the budget given to her by Pearl and Marina in order to stuff her new home with things to forget Rose. Both of us found it suitable to be near each other, considering one of our good friends had just died.

"I'm glad you and Rose had time to patch things up before she disappeared."

"She's missing in action. But yes, it does feel like she is dead."

In a bored manner, I took the brush leaning against the wall and began to clean away the rubbish in the apartment. In tandem, Zen ordered the boxes away so we could empty them soon.

"When I lost Rachel, we had only just parted ways to our previous argument. I never really had a full conversation with her real self. Now I just speak to her spirit."

"You believe in spirits?"

"I had to. It's the only way that I ever brought myself to accept Rachel. I know she's dead now, but that won't stop me from visiting her. It's like I'm back to myself - yet I'm a completely different person."

"I see. You've finally come to terms." Now Zen began to unpack her boxes. "Knowing you, I thought it would take far longer for you to accept all this."

"Marie took a long while with Callie. I didn't want to be like that." In finishing my chore as well, I sweeped the dust into a far corner. "Speaking of which. Tell her I'm sorry. I was just mad that as soon as Rose and you came here, she had fo disappear along with Rachel."

Zen turned to me as I said this. Suddenly she stopped emptying the boxes and looked towards me. In a slow manner, she spoke.

"You were right." The room stood still. "She admitted those exact words you told her. She told me, Pearl and Marina that my arm and our friend was not the only things intended to be sacrificed. Marie told all of us that no matter how many people we lost in the splatoon, she was planning to still say that the mission was a success if we brought Callie."

"Oh my gosh." I felt angry at first, but realised that in these conditions that feeling this way was not the optimum action. "We were pawns."

"It sure feels like it." I looked over now and saw Zen's deformed self. "You have no idea how much of a hassle life becomes without an arm until you yourself experience it!"

"Did the doctors say anything?"

"No. I'm an Octoling, so it was already difficult to book an appointment. However, when they finally saw my arm after all the struggling, it was labelled as an irreversible condition. It's gonna stay like this." Now I could see her struggle as she attempted to empty out a box with one hand. "They tried splatting me to see if it would come back. No, it only aggravates me further. I feel more pain now. I'm not fit for battle."

"I'm so sorry to hear that."

"Everyone is. It's not easy getting used to the inkopolis environment without Rose."

In frustration, I quickly dashed to Zen and helped her empty her belongings. However, it was clear this was upsetting her even further. She could not look at my faster work as help - only as a way of signifying what she had recently lost.

"Marie can't bring herself to end it. Tess, I hate to say this, but you're the only one who can fight Callie now."

"I don't want to." This idea was preposterous. "I'm done with the squidbeak splatoon. I've lost so much from it-"

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