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Tess' POV:

The first thing I expected Marie to do when she saw Callie, was to show a sign of her relief that she was back with us. Of course, this happened, and we all lay witness to her giving her dear cousin a big hug.

"I'm so sorry, Callie-"

"I knew you were in a rough patch. I shouldn't forgive you for something that's not even your fault. We're the Squid Sisters after all."


Of course, we all knew that a further conversation was not meant to be, since we were in the midst of our final fight. Both the primary agents knew this, so after immediately letting go of their hug, they put on a serious face. The same went for Pearl and Marina, who briefly smiled before letting it go after seeing my shattered dualies.

"You must've been put through a rough patch, huh?" Marina said picking up my broken weapon.

Before I could reply, Pearl jumped in. "Not anymore!" She shot a pool of green ink and motioned her hands towards it. "Heal up. You earned it."

I nodded in relief and turned into a squid. In an instant, I felt revitalized as my aches and pains were fading away for me to fight again. After returning back to my human form, all of us eyed Octavio with a slight look of rage. He simply scoffed at us and turned towards Callie.

"I have no use for the likes of you anymore. My rapping career can go forth without you."

"The hindrance of you for of my singing career is gone too now. I believe it's time to have our newest agent exterminate you for good." Callie turned around to address me. "You got it, Agent 4. I'd rather not have to fight again, so kick his butt for us!"

It was a high responsibility, which made me feel nervous. "Callie-"

"Me neither!" Marie chimed in. "You better kick his butt as well for me."

"Count me out as well!" Then Marina came.

"Nuh uh, I ain't joinin' this!" Finally Pearl gave her message to opt out of the final battle.

In getting the wrong message, Octavio looked at me. His laugh roared through the arena. In an instant, the crowd watching us followed his actions, thinking that my comrades were abandoning me. This was not the case. I knew they were choosing to leave me to fight for a completely separate reason; one that defied all meaning of despair.

"You're all alone. All your friends are leaving. I know you'll still fight, but you must be an extremely stupid species if you're leaving the outcome of the battle to a stupid, worthless, weak, defenseless, little premature teenage Inkling!"

"That's not the case." Marie pointed at our enemy. "We believe in Tess that once did the the same for us. We know she'll carry us to victory, which is why none of us needn't bother with this fight. You're going down, DJ!"

Suddenly, just like how my dualies were shattered, Marie snapped her charger against her legs and broke it into two pieces. Pearl, Marina, and Callie followed immediately with their weapons. It was to commemorate the falling of my dualies. I knew they were doing this to show a new age of the comeback of Inkopolis. This was how we would start this battle.

Of course, Octavio was still clueless. "Don't you think you may want those?"

"We won't need these if we're just going to be cheering her on." Marie then turned to me. "Tess, after all of this is over, let's go back to how we used to be friends. I wanted to tell you something ever since you uttered those last words when you splatted me, but I'm not you're teacher. You surpassed me a long time ago."

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