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Tess' POV:

He was going to make some fair arguments. I could tell. In stopping to listen to him, I was giving him a chance. This would have never happened under normal circumstances. I could have very easily run off and ignored Koy. The splatfest proved my superior physical strength to him, so why did I not run? It was simple, I wanted to honour Rachel.

"What your doing - It goes against everything you've learnt! You need to bring along help. Why are you shouldering us and acting as if you can carry inkopolis?"

"Because, it's become my responsibility, Koy. I trust you with inkopolis. I just have business within Octo Valley is all."

"You're opponent. Do you have any idea who it is? Did you ever pay attention in school?"

"The great Octavio," I roughly looked back on my old school days. "A fierce competitive enemy who took battle to a whole new level due to his fiery spirit. They say he gains power not by brute strength, but by his words to attract people in desperate times. He is weak, but with his supporters he rose to newfound levels of power."

I began to turn back round to head my way, but I could still hear his voice. I honestly thought that I had succeeded in assuring him, but it seemed to not be the case.

"You're going to the place of his power; the very place where his supporters lie. Do you have any idea how stupid what you are about to do is?" He was wrong, as I knew what I was clearly planning.

"We are so close, Koy-"

"To being wiped out? I know! Any wrong move and all of us will die. Think carefully before you-"

"We've taken out their best troops. All that stands is Callie herself and Octavio. Sure, we have a few Octolings here and there, but nothing could stop me from being discouraged at this point." My eyes stared intently at him. "Kick me. Scratch me. Fight me. Shoot me. Drag me. But I am still going to fight Octavio. I will stop this and I will bring them all back. I'll bring it to what it used to be. I won't make you lose another friend!"

"You're my friend. I don't want to lose you like I lost Rachel."

"Rachel was you're crush. If you lost me then it would not count. I cried just like you in her death, Koy. But right now we have a choice to end it or surrender. I will bring you all back to the good times. I'm not aiming to shelter you. I just want to be able to fulfill my role."

"What about our roles?!" His voice failed at trying to break through. "What do we do? How can you prevent us from feeling helpless?"

His voice was failing miserably at being able to sound impactful. I had learnt from Marie back when she was my mentor on how to strike a good argument. It was finally my moment to stop Koy at his tracks. In turning around to face him, I slapped my thumb towards him and pointed intensely at his direction.

"Fight. If they come, I want you and Joe and Kai to fight. If you lose - then I'll be dying just to help Rachel slug you in the afterlife!"

I paralysed him. It worked. Sure, he was more difficult then trying to escape my mother, however it was still not too much trouble to disable his emotions. Koy looked down and I heard his grunt of failure.

In picking up his splattershot, he aimed it in my direction. I watched with no movement as he shook his hands about just to try and shoot me.

"There's a power cut now. If I shot you then you wouldn't respawn up until we were given electricity after this incident." Now both of his hands held the splattershot in shaky vibrations. "I could end you right now. I could stop you from trying to be a hero. So why is it, that you aren't even flinching?"

Splatoon 2: Octo RisingWhere stories live. Discover now