14.Detective work

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Tess' POV:

"It's...GONE?!", This was the place that Sheldon had last heard from Marie, "you said there was a zapfish here that I should get that Marie didn't?!"

"I don't know what to say either, don't look at me..."

I sighed, it seemed as though the Octarians re-located a new location for the zapfish to be, I looked upon the edge of the island, My speakers fizzed again.

"You know...this does explain why there were no Octarians on our way here, we should have smelled this a mile away..."

"I know...but..."


"I though this was an Octarian playground of sorts!"

"You idiot!!!"

I laughed a little, it was quiet and now the atmosphere that I was in felt creepy by I didn't care. I sat on the edge of the island, "you know, you can't blame me for thinking that, there were a LOT of grind rails so I thought it was made for fun..."

"You really are special, you know that?"

I continued siting in the edge, Sheldon didn't think of speaking,"hey Sheldon..."


"If Marie were here...do you think she would be nagging on us to do our missions?"

"Yep, but it's ironic..."

"What do you mean?"

"She's the reason that we are even in this predicament in the first place...we can't head over to the next sector now..."

"Wait what, how!?"

"We've passed the first sector and are currently on the second, but we won't have enough zapfish now to move over that big kettle..."

"Oh crap..."

"I blame that octoling from before!"

"She has a code name, it's Purple 9..."

"Just like you, Huh?"


I closed my eyes briefly, I was silent, so was Sheldon. When I opened my eyes I stood back up, "I'm heading back to Octo valley, I think I'm gonna try another kettle..."

"Are you not gonna call it a day already?!"

"No, we need to get Marie back and we need to find the missing zapfish!"

"Ok then, your call..."

Marina's POV:

"Pearlie, I had the dream again!!!"

"Ugh, stop it already, you get so exited every time you have it!!!"

"Aww, but it's so exiting. I love living that final battle with agent 3 and Octavio again and this dream makes that a reality!"

Pearl did a face palm, she was getting tired of me talking.

"Ok look, we need to decide on the next splatfest theme so shoot me some ideas already!"

"Uhhh....cats vs dogs!"

"Already done!"

Splatoon 2: Octo RisingWhere stories live. Discover now