31) Mission

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Tess' POV:

"Well this is a surprise, Since when did you ask for things like that?"

"Stop trying to act like I used to be a bad person, do you or do you not wanna do a mission with me?"

I leaned on my back a little, "I dunno, It's not like I had anyone supervising me when you were gone so I can pretty much do this all by myself..."

"Didn't you have Sheldon?"

"Isn't he kinda useless and annoying?"

"Yeah you've got a point...BUT ANSWER MY QUESTION!!??"

"OK OK fine!!!"

"Which kettle should we pick then..."

We both looked around, Marie had her attention fixed on multiple kettle's at once so I couldn't pick one she wanted. I decided to pick randomly since we'd be going to do all the kettles anyway. My feet paced itself and I picked a small random kettle from the entire bunch.

"This one?"

"Yeah sure why not."

We both jumped into it ready for our next mission. This time Marie would not be supervising me and telling me what to do. We were both in this together so that means that we would have less chance of being splatted or losing to the following octarians who were ready to pounce us.

In the tenth kettle:

We both appeared in our spawn point beside each other. What we saw upon our eyes was a magnificent sighting. There were many more little floating islands then before, each of them were allocated in their own little spot beneath the electrical night view coming from the dome shaped night sky we were all encased in.

"Maybe this whole surreal dome thing we're inside of is the reason the octarians are out of electricity.", Marie joked.

"At least this night sky looks beautiful..."

"You almost feel like just staying here and seeing the non-existent stars, huh?"

"Question: Are the floating lave lamps non-existent as well?"

Marie looked at me confused, "Lava...lamps?"

I pointed at the floating piece of liquid up in the sky that was producing purple blobs of beauty and light. We both stood there admiring the amazing sight until Marie turned her way and walked forward to our first launchpad.

"Best we get a move on Tess."

"Um...yeah...sorry for distracting us...."

"Maybe your the true villain of the octarians, trying to distract us!", Marie teased.


Marie chuckled and we both super-jumped and made our way up sponges using our trusty hero-sloshers, another weapon designed by Sheldon.

"Wow, talk about mood lighting, this place is creeptastic!"


We both splatted two octarians and made our way through, so far everything was pretty easy but I think it's because both me and Marie had gone through octoling troubles before so avoiding the octarians mini balls of purple ink was a breeze.

We made our way through yet another island that had grind rails and from then on we-


Marie pushed me out of the way and a blast of Purple ink was made whilst mixing with the green of ours, something just tried stomping us. We both got out from the ground and looked at the thing before us. It was an octarian, he was encased behind glass and he seemed to be behind some buttons and a steering wheel. The machine he was in quickly rose up and it started moving to us.

"Octoseeker's...", Marie quickly named the following enemy, "They're octarians in charge of splatting any intruders during patrol hours. They tend to wield large blocked machines that squish anyone to their doom."

"So what do we do?"


We both ran up to a wall and sighed a long breath of relief.

"And that agent 4, is why I wanted to come!"

"So you knew they were gonna be there?"

"No...SHUT UP!"

We both squid-jumped thanks to another launchpad being there and then both split up as we ran for our lives for yet another octoseeker. I screamed as I ran but Marie was clearly quite experienced with her job as she ran calmly and swiftly. I couldn't see where I was running sadly due to the dark and fell down.


"Boy they really have some inconvenient hiding places for these scrolls..."


I quickly looked over at Marie, "I'm good, You head to the next launchpad and I'll meet you there."

Marie nodded and branched off to the next Island. Whilst I had to start at the start of the entire level. Thankfully I realized I could just sneak by and hope the octoseekers light did not notice me. I simply had to follow the path of green splatted before me thanks to Marie 'sloshing' a path for me.

We both finally met up and continued the next following parts of our mission. There was a lot of platforming with the sponges so there was a lot of hand pulling since both me and Marie kept having to pull each other up from falling.

"Octoseekers suck!"

"Indeed they do Tess, Indeed they do..."

"And these sponges, they're the worst!"

"Yes they are Tess, yes they are..."

"At least this place looks pretty, apart from that its a nightmare!"

"At least this place is pretty, sure, but what about the fact that we have not been splatted once this entire mission."


I quickly froze at the realization, Marie stared at me as if to tell me she has no idea of what to do next. I grinned at our accomplishment and I started marching off to the way of the zapfish with Marie following me, possibly contemplating why she picked a weird agent as the new hero of inkopolis.

We both obtained the zapfish later on and by the time we got back we almost got tearful thanks to our eyes not adjusting to the surroundings of the morning view.

"I don't like this light..."

"I can see why."

we were both trying our hardest not to cry but it looked horrible for both of us since we were both covering a bit of our field of view.

"I'm gonna head home, my phone buzzed and apparently I have guests...", I told Marie

"Really, that's surprising."

"What are you gonna do?"

"Oh...I think I'm gonna go ahead and do another mission..."


"I'll see you around Tess...bye!!!"


I headed to inkopolis square. The message on my phone was pretty odd but I wanted to see what my mum was doing without me so I ended up running home to meet our mysterious guests.


Meet the cast:

1. Tess as the main character
2. Rachel as her best friend
3. Joe as the air-headed one
4. Kai as the smart guy
5. Koy as the rival
6. Marie as the mystery
7. The interviewer as the questioner
8. Octo oven as the first boss encounter
9. Sheldon as the weapon supplier
10. crusty Sean as the grub guy
11. Rachel's mom as the cautious one
12. purple 9 as the big octoling
13. Tess' mom as the mom
14. Marina as the kind one
15. Pearl as the sassy kid
16. Koy's mom as the strict parent
17. Koy's Dad as the chance-giver
18. Purple 8 as a trendsetter
19. Sora as the young brother
20. Luka as the older sister
21. Zen as Purple 7
22. Octo samurai as the second boss encounter
23. The teacher as the knowledge giver

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