68) Sacrifice

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Zen's POV:

Back then, Octavio was a man who came into power via his speech. In a time of the great turf war, everyone was struck by the thought of fighting their old comrades, due to the split in communications between inklings and octarians. Octavio stepped up at this time, and spoke up. He gained traction by his rapping and through his success, he became intimidating.

Octavio was a simple Octopus. Having never fully developed his body to resemble a human, he never let this get him down, ensuring him as an inspiration for many. Because of this, his strength was never in his weak brute power, but in his voice and verbal strength. He used machinery to get his way, which led to more followers. I was one of them- but now I've finally realised his terror.

It was now time to fight this man!

My Octo-shot was taken out. I quickly aimed it at Octavio. He sneered, as the approaching feeling of worry lingered it's dinghy mist across the room.

"Do you truly wish to waste my next wasabi speech on a simple splat?"

He was no longer rapping. In my time working for him, his serious demeanour was normally broadcasted when he stopped rhyming his words. I paused the release of my trigger and decided to attempt to speak to him.

"Where is Callie?"

"You needn't worry about that. Where is your faith in the octarian alliance?"

"Gone, along with my faith in a chance of true peace!"

Seeing Octavio had brought so much anger anger in me before. I made sure to keep my emotions in check and talk to Octavio properly.

"Do not make me repeat myself. Where is Callie?"

"Fulfilling her duty." Octavio took off his goggles, revealing his dark, sinister, red eyes. "Will you fulfil yours?"

"Not in the forsaken depths of hell!" My fists tightened. "Tell me then, where the hell is Callie and what is she doing?!"

"Do you truly want to ask that?"


A sigh was given out. "I truly had hope for you. Very well. I'll tell you the answer to you're question." Something was off. "Callie is in inkopolis- doing the things we had hope you would one day accomplish!"


My Octo-shot was dropped. The sounds of a gunfire was heard. I screamed. My arm was shot. I cried. I shouted. I wailed. An Octoling soon came beside Octavio and spoke smugly.

"We never just looked for seekers in piranha pit. These are state of the art human bullets, never used for centuries till we found them. They harm both inklings- and octarians. They don't just splat you so you could respawn, no, they're killing machines. Soon to be used on agent 2 and 4, today!"

I timed out. Collapsing onto the ground, my vision became blurred. My right arm was dysfunctional and I was in too much pain to move the rest of my body.

"Take her in!"


This was it. His voice. It was powerful and spoke with full authority to make people understand his orders. My body shivered. Never in my life, had I been so weak. I was forever unable to ever live how I wanted to. I was the girl who always loved freedom.

I hated Marina for seeking peace back then. I suppose when we were younger, I was jealous of her taking strides for peace. I became a horrible person to hide my weak side. All my life, I was never truly... me.

The Octoling walked towards me. She smiled in a dark, gnarly way and strutted further in my direction. I closed my eyes in a state of loss. Whilst recounting my life before my eyes, I heard laughing mixed in with my crying.

Then someone broke in. Whoever they were, they had used the same secret passage I used. That person was only a glimpse of a shadow to my weakened body. The figure took out the Octoling via a splat-shot, shouted some words of disrespect towards Octavio, then spoke to me.

"You set your respawn point back home, remember?" My eyes widened- It was Rose. "Goodbye... my best friend. This is Purple 9, reporting for duty!"

Rose took out her Octo-shot and splatted me. She forced me to respawn back into inkopolis, whilst fighting off whatever Octavio could command in the base.

I screamed. As soon as I came back, Pearl and Marina were there to look at my state. They panicked. I screamed in pain and sadness. It went by so fast. I was handed tissues. Pearl told me to shut up. Marina calmed me down. I sobbed in weakness as a felt material was wrapped on my arm.

Rose was gone. My best friend was gone. The one who swore to fix this world. The one who changed me to be a better person. My superior- my underling. She was gone. She saved me.


Rose's POV:

I shot her with my Octo-shot. I really wanted to calm down her pain. I wanted to tell her it was all right. But this was all I could do. She splashed into a puddle of pink ink and disappeared. Octavio spoke now. He was filled with rage and anger.


I knew that the bullet would shoot me. It all became clear now. They never wanted us to know about the piranha pit diggings because the human bullets were top secret. This was the end.

"I find death inevitable so I don't care about that." I was oddly calm. It must have been because I came prepared about my situation. "But for all of you who are about to kill me- I hope Agent 4 assists you in finding happiness."

A few more precious seconds rolled past me after I said this. Octavio's face was more redder then I had ever seen before in my life. The view of the hidden gun on the ceiling made me chuckle. I was not sad that it was the end. I was happy that Zen could carry my hope, before I left. At least now, I've passed down the next hope of this world. One day, we will have a better inkopolis.




Meet the cast:

1. Tess as the main character
2. Rachel as her best friend
3. Joe as the air-headed one
4. Kai as the smart guy
5. Koy as the rival
6. Marie as the mystery
7. The interviewer as the questioner
8. Octo oven as the first boss encounter
9. Sheldon as the weapon supplier
10. crusty Sean as the grub guy
11. Rachel's mom as the cautious one
12. purple 9 as the big octoling
13. Tess' mom as the mom
14. Marina as the kind one
15. Pearl as the sassy kid
16. Koy's mom as the strict parent
17. Koy's Dad as the chance-giver
18. Purple 8 as a trendsetter
19. Sora as the young brother
20. Luka as the older sister
21. Zen as Purple 7
22. Octo samurai as the second boss encounter
23. The teacher as the knowledge giver
24. Octostomp as the third boss encounter
25. Callie as the other squid sister
26. Octo shower as the fourth boss encounter
27. Mask as the new octoling in town
28. Octavio as the final boss encounter

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