6) Battle 1

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Tess' POV:

As the week went by I found myself enjoying turf wars and as soon as I reached level 9 with Rachel and the gang we all agreed to level up to 10 when the next splatfest came by.

I was really looking forward to the next splat fest but I knew that we needed more electricity for it to be great. I will always remember my first splatfest though. Back then I didn't do turf wars so I just spent the time dancing and having a blast, it was a phenomenal time and I'm glad Rachel was there to stay behind from battling to celebrate with me.

Back to reality, it was now or never, Time went on by but I knew that sooner or later Marie was going to call me in for my next mission and then I would be able to make an advance on the octarians.

Visiting Marie:

"Oh hey your back!" It was Marie, I was ready for my next mission.

"Hell yeah I'm back, oh by way when I came to you yesterday I only came by to give you this, is it the sunken scroll you were looking for?"

I took out a scrunched up piece of paper from my pockets and as it came into view Marie's expression changed to shocked.

"You had it all along! I went into your last mission to look for it and yet you had it?!"

"Uh... Yes..."

Marie quickly snatched the piece of paper from me and just as she was about to read it I shot her a look, "oh yeah, I'll read it when I get home... Welcome back agent 4!"

"Welcome back indeed. What's my next mission then?"

Marie quickly turned around and started walking away in a direction, I followed. It eventually led straight to a huge kettle with a purple blanket on it, the one from before.

"Your mission is to go inside this kettle, it holds a zapfish with a greater amount of electricity then the other ones we've gotten but it won't hold us forever. There's an octarian monster in there waiting for you, you will engage in battle with it, be warned its dangerous."

"It's... Dangerous?"

"What do you expect, you think this was going to be a cakewalk? If we get this zap fish it should hold us for a month or so and we can get to the next area, eventually it should lead us to the great zapfish. From there we can get infinite energy!"

I looked at Marie and walked straight to the kettle, she looked back at me and gave a weak smile.

"See you on the other side then..."

"See you later"

I jumped in the kettle hoping for the best...


In the kettle:

As I landed in the next area I saw a whirlpool that I could squid jump to, as I looked ahead I saw a huge island with a huge splash of purple ink, this time I was green inked. I turned on my headphones and prepared to hear Marie's voice.

"Hey Marie do you know what I'm up against?"

"Nope, sorry. Your gonna need to face it yourself agent 4."

"I told you call me Tess!"

"Ok Tess, jump in and be a man- er...woman"

I sighed and went over to the mini whirlpool, it was now or never but as I looked around I could see no clues as to what would be the challenge I was gonna face. I prepared my squid jump and rose high in the air, making sure to do a perfect landing in the island, I was getting better at this. When I landed I could see the zapfish.

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