16. Celebration/news

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hello there people.

oh wait, this isn't the story, its the author here that's speaking. I know, its a pretty gutsy move to count this as a chapter but who cares!!!

I would like to take this time to tell you faithful readers that by the time this chapter comes out I am too busy enjoying the hell out of the octo expansion DLC that Nintendo released for Splatoon 2. but there was another thing I wanted to tell you guys. by the time that you read this chapter I would have already reached 1k reads on my book or higher.

thank you guys so much for this accomplishment as I never thought I would reach it and to celebrate this I'm gonna do you guys a favour. this favour is so big that even I will appreciate it.

I'm gonna be not uploading the next chapter until later on after my birthday, The 19th of June because I will be taking time in this book to make the paragraphs shorter. I noticed that my later chapters didn't get as many votes as before so I thought that it may have been tiring for you guys to read the book with really long paragraphs.

for those of you reading this in the future let me just inform you that the paragraphs were really long so be thankful that I did this.

anyway that's all.

like I said before, thank you so much for the 1k reads as just you guys viewing my story is enough for me.


oh yeah...be sure to follow me too, that would help me...ok now I mean it.


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