25. Big story, minor details

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Marie's POV:

I ran at my top speed. I completely forgot about Tess, I remember now what happened last time I was alive. I got attacked by some obsessive octoling who was targeting her and then I...died!

I stopped in though, "How is it that I'm dead when I'm still here?"

confusion had gotten the better of me, why was I still in this world. 

"No no no. try to be positive...the important thing is I'm alive...that's the important thing..."

 I looked down at my hands and made them feel each other to make sure that I was alive, the hands slowly moved forward until they reached my shoulder, making me look like I was cowering in cold weather. I let my hands go off my shoulders and looked at them one last time before staring back up at the houses in front of me. They were all identical in size but each of them had a different placement of doors and windows and some were even custom painted by their owners.

"Phew, that dance is tiring me out..."

"Seriously Marie, its tradition! Come on, keep up, we still have to make a wish when the comet comes past!" 

A flash appeared, it was like everything I was looking at became brighter. The voices, those voices, why am I remembering that event of all things, why am I remembering her childlike voice. 

The brightness of everything shone until all I could see was a big bright mess. I covered my hands to protect me from the light, it was too bright.

"Why aren't you looking at my kimono Marie?"

"Huh?", I put my hands lower and I saw a silhouette in the distance, It was her, her as a child.

She turned her small head back at me, "Now you'll never see it...", her body transformed, it was her the last time I saw her, her as an adult, "because you never bothered finding me...Marie..."

A tear fell down my face, I ran to the figure, I wanted to see her again, I wanted to work on our music again. My feet tripped up and I fell right through her. Her body started fading away but just before her head could disappear she uttered her last words.

"I thought we were family Marie...the closest type of friends Marie..."

More tears sprawled down into the floor, I kept crying, I cried myself to sleep on the pavement...because of her...


Tess' POV:

"Your such a good girl squidling, who knew there was a poor girl lying down in our street just lying down there with no one to help her!"

I set Marie on the sofa I was slouching on before I left the house. I had to piggyback ride her the entire walk home and she never woke up. If I wasn't educated enough I would have assumed that she was dead but that was just my ancestry human side kicking in. Normally when an inkling was dead they would have slowly faded away into little particles and just like our ink, those particles would land on the floor and fade away after a few seconds. Knowing this information led me to believe that Marie was alive, she was just unconscious is all.

"Mum, should we prepare her something when she wakes up?"

My mother turned to me, "Oh, right away. I'll go see if I can get something ready...you stay by her side till she wakes...", She left the room shortly after, Out of boredom I decided to get the remote to watch TV, "AND NO WATCHING THE TELLY EITHER!!!"

I put the remote down, "Dammit.."

I looked back at Marie, her breathing was slowly getting a little quieter but it was still silent enough for my mum to not hear from her distance. One small droplet fell off her eye, was she crying?

It slid down her nose  and passed her cheek until it made a small mark on our sofa. I stared at the mark for a while, I wasn't sure that I had ever seen Marie cry, it was odd. I guess she was close to on the interview I watched on TV but that was different, it wasn't in real life.


She was speaking in her sleep, now that I thought about it she was mumbling a little when I was carrying her and I did feel...

"Oh crap!"

I quickly ran upstairs to my room to change...

A quick change later

I had changed my cloths into my jim-jams. Since the day was almost about to end I guessed my mum wasn't going to question it too much. After that I quickly looked at my vest, nothing seemed too bad at the front. I turned it around and saw some wet marks. How did I not feel this when I was carrying her?

I guess it was time to put it in the wash. I went downstairs to look after marie, I think tommorow I was gonna wear my jacket I got when I became agent 4.

"Would you like some hot chocolate Marie, sorry, I set my daughter to look after you but she must have ran off..."

I froze at the voice of my mum, Marie must have woken up.

"No no, its OK, kids in this generation have quite the attention span...", That was her voice. It felt like ages since I heard Marie's voice, " ...um, is it OK if I go wash up my face?"

"Why yes of course!"

"Thank you..."

I heard footsteps, before I could say hi to Marie she zipped past me without noticing her presence. I looked back and then turned my head back to the room.

My decision was made, I went upstairs after marie. Before I could speak up though she slid the bathroom door shut and I could hear the sound of the tap running through the door. I stood in front of the door in wait of Marie to open the door.


I wonder if she knew she was crying in her sleep?





The door finally opened. I stood still, I didn't know what to say to her.

Sh was looking down on the floor, she wiped a tear off her face and looked up, she had finally noticed me. We stood silent for a while but Marie was still wiping off tears on her face. She ran up to me and gave  tight hug. Sh was still whimpering.

"Thank you...I'm sorry...thank you...I'm...sorry..."


"I'm sorry...I'm sorry I wasn't there Tess...thank you...thank you fr dealing with it...thank you so much and I'm really sorry..."

I couldn't speak, this was as much of a relief to me as it was to her.

She wailed out loud. I panicked a little in my head but eventually I heard footsteps coming up the stairs.

"What's all this?", it was my mum, she had a sweet tone to speak to Marie. She slowly let go of Marie and guided the whimpering soul downstairs, " now now, we can't let our generation look bad, can we?"

Marie left downstairs. I went back down and abided by my mums orders. I wasn't allowed to make any contact with Marie until tomorrow but I didn't mind, I just wanted to know why she was like this.

After that I ate and left for bed, I guess it was only for mum to handle this...


Meet the cast:

1. Tess as the main character
2. Rachel as her best friend
3. Joe as the air-headed one
4. Kai as the smart guy
5. Koy as the rival
6. Marie as the mystery
7. The interviewer as the questioner
8. Octo oven as the first boss encounter
9. Sheldon as the weapon supplier
10. crusty Sean as the grub guy
11. Rachel's mom as the cautious one
12. purple 9 as the big octoling
13. Tess' mom as the mom
14. Marina as the kind one
15. Pearl as the sassy kid
16. Koy's mom as the strict parent
17. Koy's Dad as the chance-giver
18. Purple 8 as a trendsetter
19. Sora as the young brother
20. Luka as the older sister
21. Zen as Purple 7
22. Octo samurai as the second boss encounter

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