64) ...The truth

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Callie's POV:

Sector 5 was given to me every since I joined my noble cause. Ever since I first joined the octarians, this place was granted to me and I treasured this place as much as my new life.

It seemed the octarians favoured me as always superior, as since I was higher I ordered every octarian in sight to my commands. Soon enough, my whole sector was covered in the malignancy that was glittered purple ink.

I took a look around- and then the boss came towards me. In the pinky-glittered terrain, he courageously jumped across the spinning platforms and gave me an evil eye.

"I tried to mould you, but I guess that foiled you- YEAH!"

"Hmph, get off my case. I lost my mask because I was ordered to kill an agent-"

"You went for the wrong one, just because you weren't the strong one. How should we combat this?"

I narrowed my glasses in thought and took my time for an answer. Lord Octavio noticed and hummed along one of his famous songs in impatience.

"Open the boss kettle. It's about time I finished my dear cousin off."

"Strong words for a weak bird!"

"I know, but it was inevitable. Marie's going down!"

"You know," Octavio stopped his rapping. "those squid-scrubs won't see us coming. Let's terrorise those worthless scums!"


Lord Octavio sneered and began to make his leave. As he was going, he spoke once more. "The endgame is upon us, don't you fail or rally against us!"

"My loyalty is towards you and you only. You octarians shall always be superior. My graciousness is in the fact that I'm so high up, despite being inkling scum."

"I like how you know your place, I can see it on your face."

He hopped along with his weak octarian body and jumped the the mini UFO in the middle of my sector. After-which, the master enveloped himself into the sewer pipe in the middle and advanced to prepared the final boss kettle.

I sighed and in worry, my hands blanketed the top of the pipe in order to evade any approaching dust from easily coming in. Lord D.J Octavio was ruthless despite not seeming like it. His strength was in his nobility and only those under him, such as me could understand.

"Miss Callie?" A nervous octoling came upon me. "I have bad news..."

"The sight of you is bad enough. Do you honestly think after the travesty of the splatfest invasion, we need more notorious advances from the inklings?!"

"Well... the kettle to musselforge fitness... it's been deactivated..."

My rage in hearing this ran in my blood. I could feel it. Anger. Without knowing, my tremendous speed dashed towards the octoling and punched her, sending her flying to the infinite pool of purple ink below. It didn't bother me; due to the amount of electricity we stole from the inklings, I knew the octoling would revive anyway.

"That stupid piece of crap!" My fists locked onto the metallic ground. "Marie: my dearest cousin, I'm going to ruin your life, like your doing to mine!" It was obvious. Agent 2- Marie Squidbeak was the one in the curtains disabling our next octoling invasion. She was onto me. Her determination was relentless- but so was my urge to kill her. "Come to me then. I'LL KILL YOU!!!"

Tess' POV:

We walked. I did not know where Koy was taking me, but as I saw the path he was leading me to I could feel my memories coming back to me.

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