5) Training

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Tess' POV:

As I left Marie I looked back only to see her disappear as usual, she was the same as always. I smiled whilst putting my hands in my pockets. I felt something scrunched up in my hands. As I picked it up I realised exactly why I went to go to Marie in the first place.


I looked back and ran back to the sewer, she was gone. I realised that maybe I should return next week, if I went to her then she may get mad again. I walked back to the centre of the plaza. I was really bored now, I hadn't planned my day fully so I looked around and I suddenly noticed who was standing in front of me, it was Koy.

"Hey, Koy!"

He couldn't notice me, I walked up to him, he seemed to be looking at his phone for something. I waved my hand in front of his face, he looked back at me with a surprised face.

"Hey Tess, you've got a good eye for spotting people!"

"Hey what's up, long time no see"

"Long time no see indeed, I've heard your getting better at turf wars now. I'm getting tempted to ask for a rematch now y'know..."

I looked at Koy surprised, "sorry to ask but who exactly told you this?"

"Oh it was your friend...Joe, was his name..."

I sighed, it was classic for Joe to be doing this type of stuff, I guess he wanted me to look good in front of Koy.

"You up for turf wars now?"

"Not today sorry, I'm gonna wait for some friends till we can have a turf battle but I do have a favour to ask you..."

"What's that exactly?"

"Every month or so the famous band off the hook do a festival called a splatfest, these usually consist of people voting for teams on things and battling over them like the last one which was cake vs ice cream, they're really fun. my question is this: when the next splatfest takes place I would like another turf war with you!" He grinned, "Can you do that?"

I looked at Koy expressionless, he was serious, "Ok then, we'll see...rival!"

Koy gave out a smirk and decided to put his phone away, "guess we are rivals then, I'm pretty sure another band used to do the splatfests. I think their name was... The squid sisters?"

As soon as Koy mentioned the band I realised exactly what Koy was talking about, the squid sisters were a band that ringed in my ear but I couldn't remember who they were. I quickly got out my phone, ignoring Koy standing right in front of me, "oh carp, no data!" Did I just use Marie's same pun?

I turned back at Koy, "Koy I have to go, it was nice seeing you!"

"Nice seeing you too?"

I dashed out of the conversation and ran straight Home...


Back at home:

As I slammed the door to my room I quickly got on my family laptop, making sure to enter the password I typed in the squid sisters on the Internet and soon I saw Marie on it, as I scrolled down I could only see some websites which talked about an interview that happened 2 days ago, it must have been straight after Marie told me I wasn't on the mission to save the zapfish anymore.

I stopped scrolling down when I suddenly realised that the video of the interview was on the website I clicked on the video on the Internet and watched as much as I could muster but each time Marie flopped a question I couldn't help but burst out laughing,  it wasn't that I was being mean or anything, it's the fact that she was so strict on me and yet when she goes on interviews she seems to not really fit in.

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