13. Freindly sighting

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Tess' POV:

It was the day after my world fell apart, I was sitting by the table at my house having breakfast. It was quiet, the only sound that was made was the sound of my mouth chewing up the slightly burnt piece of toast. I didn't feel like doing anything today and after this I was planning in my head to go in my room and stay there for the rest of the day.


It was my mother, she was looking at me worried, I turned back to her and we both just stared at each other awkwardly, "Tess...are you...ok?"

I got off my last piece of toast from my mouth and hopped off my chair, it wasn't like me to hug her but I did. It was the longest hug that I ever did, "is there anything you wanna tell me my little squidling?"

I started sniffing, tears were falling from my eyes again but I had to keep this a secret, "no...I don't feel ok...mom, I just don't..."

My mom held onto me tighter and spoke lightly, "what part of you doesn't feel ok, I wanna help Tess."

I kept on crying but in my head I realised that I could still talk to my mom, I just had to keep the details minor.

"The octoling part mom...I can't get over it..."

The hug was over and now I was looking at her for guidance, she looked at me for a while and then said something, "I wanna help you as much as I can, so let me look up what I can do for you, you can go wash your face while I'm busy and then I'll get you fixed in no time at all!"

"Thank you."

I sniffled a bit and made way for the bathroom so I could wash my face and left my mother but before I could I stopped and peered back at my mom, "mom..."

"Yes dear?"

"I...I don't think...you can solve issues by the Internet..."

"Well Tess, when your mother works, she works till the end of time itself so don't worry. I'll help no matter what!"

I turned back to my general direction and continued walking off, it was surprising to me that when my world was in a state where I couldn't talk to anyone, the only person I could was the one that I shouldn't have talked to in the first place. I washed my face over the sink and looked back at myself, I looked the same as I always looked, the only exception was that I wasn't wearing my hat. I tried to do a little smile but it left the second it came, as I walked off I looked at my mom. She had taken what she said seriously, she was on the family laptop taking a look at something and she had the most serious face I had ever seen on her. I continued to walk off until I was stopped.


I walked back to my mom, "yes..."

"This may make me the worst mom or the best one but...I'm willing to give it a try. Head over to inkopolis square, you should see someone worth looking at and once your done, can you get me some groceries...please?"

I dashed downstairs to see what mom was talking about, I wonder what this was gonna be about?

Before leaving the house:

I hugged my mom and ran out to get my shoes on. She hugged me back before I could leave and she listed the things I needed to buy and more.

"Alright I'm off!"



"Be sure to call every hour and if you can't, leave a message!"

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