Chapter Four

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AN: I wrote this with my phone so I'm really sorry if there are a lot of spelling mistakes! Vote, comment, fan!! I love you guyssss! ^.^ <3

Louis jumped onto me as Niall and me came home. I didn't expect him to do so - he hasn't done it since he and Eleanor were a couple, a offical couple. I fell to the floor, causing Louis to fall with me. My back cracked a bit as I landed and Louis lie on top of me. The blood rushed up to my head and I didn't care about my hurting back. Louis sat on top of me!

I squeezed and he started at me in confusement. He laughed and mad a heart skip a beat. His wonderful green-blue eyes stared at mine and I drowned into them.

I couldn't help but stare, I was just...

"Harry!", Niall scream-whkslered as I recognized I had leant in a bit. Not enough for Louis to see it but enough for Niall. I owe something to him.

I pushed Louis off of me, still feeling needles on my skin were his hands held mine, where his butt sat on my tummy, his legs near to mine.

I cleared my throat and stood up. "Sorry, Haz", Louis laughed as he got up, too.

"It's cool", I grinned back and sat down on the sofa.

"Is your back alright? It didn't sound good...", Louis asked, sat down next to me and looked at me with very caring eyes. He was worryinh about me. I could kiss him... If I only could!

"I'm fine. You're looking very good today", I said before I could hold back myself.

He laughed and looked down at himself. "Thank you, Harold", he said in a very mature voice what made me melt down inside. "I'm going out later with Liam, Danielle and Eleanor."

"Where are you going?", I asked and tried to sound normal.

"To this new club in London. If you want to join you can come."

"I'm not sure if that's a good idea...", I murmered. It would be awkward to go out with him and Eleanor. If you were me - would you do it?

"Come on, Harry! I guess you won't be the only single. I bet there's at least one girl on your site when we ho home."

I blushed. I was a flirt but I never had sex with mlre than one girl in one night. "That's not why I'm not gonna come with you guys."

"Come on, HAROOOOOLD!", Louis begged and jumped up and down.

I sighed. If he begged me I couldn't say no, so I gave in and nodded. "When?"

"Dani and El will be here in fourty minutes."

I looked at Liam to se if he was pranking me but he just smiled so I got up to my room. Niall was in it."What are you doing in here?", he asked

I laughed and went to my cupboard, taking out my white button down shirt and a jacket. "Last time I checked this was my room. Well, I'm going out with Danielle, Liam, Louis and... Eleanor", I sighed.

"Why do you do this to yourself?", Niall asked, headshaking.

"If Louis begs me to come with him I can't say no. And I'll enjoy it, even if I see them kissing all the timd. I'll try to have some fun."

Niall sighed. "I wish I was as strong as you. Liam also asked me but I said no."

I smiled at him sadly. "I won't judge you. You're going through this for more than a year now. You deserve to spend some time alone."

"I want to spend time alone with him."

I hugged him. "I know."

He went to his room and I took on the shirt and the jacket on, then soms black trousers, fitting to my jacket. I went downstairs and managed not to blush as Louis stared at me. "You're looking good, mate."

I kept on smiling, although 'mate' just made my heart drop down to the floor. "Thanks, Boo."

That moment someone knocked at the door and I gave Louis a confused look. Fiveteen minutes had oast so there was still half an hour to go before Danielle and Eleanor would come. Liam went to open the door and I heard a familiar voice saying: "Liam! How are you?"

"I'm great, Caroline. What about you?"

I shot Louis a look and he smiled innocent. Thanks, mate.

Caroline entered and I had to admit sh looked stunning. We hadn't had a date for five weekz and so I had almost forgotten how she looked like when we were going out.

No, I'm not falling for her again. I admitted already I'd like Louis that way. Probably I'm bi, but I didn't have the urge to sleep with her or, at least, kiss her. A friendly hug was enough touching for me.

"Harold", she smiled at me and I rolled my eyes.

"Mrs Flack", I grinned and she shook her head so her hair flew around wildly. "I told you: Don't call me Mrs Flack!"

I laughed and answered: "And I told you not to call me Harold. Harry."

"Either Harold or Haz. I will never call you Harry, and you know why."

I shook my head and laughed. "Who's 32?", I asked and she punched me in the arm playfully. She never liked it if I remembered her of her age. She always said she couls almost be my mom. Well, my mom really was just 10 years older.

"So, you'll go with us?", I changed the topic.

She nodded smiling. "Yep. Louis asked me to. He already asked me this morning."

I looked at Louis. "That's why you wanted me to come with you!"

He giggled and nodded. "Yeah, I thought it would be cool."

I sighed. "Let's hope we're not the new ON/OFF couple in the newspapers tomorrow. I know, we're not going to be a couple again but you know them", I said seriously.

Caroline sighed smiling. "Who cares, Harold? We are young, so let's have some fun."

"WE are young", Louis corrected her grinning and dived under the sofa before Caroline could react. She just laughed - that's one of the things I loved about her.

We sat down on the sofa, me betweenLouis and Caroline. I guess he didn't feel anything but I could feel current and blood rushing through my veins. Later Danielle and Eleanor came and I pretened to look for something behind the sofa when Louis grreted El with a kiss.

We went outside and I didn't look at Louis and Eleanor all the time because I just couldn't. Caroline and me started dancing on the floor and no-one seemed to know us, thank god. After half an hour I was a bit exhausted and asked Caroline to get some drinks. I had to go to the toilet.

In the closet I leant above the sink and washed my face with the cool water. I have to admit it - I weren't that exhausted, it was just that I had some glances at Louis all the time. He looked so happy, with his hands around Eleanor's waist and her head layibg on his chest.

That moment he entered. "Haz, are you okay?", he asked and worried instantly. "You look very bad. Are you sick?"

I looked at him and smiled. "No, I'm fine. I'm just a bit exhausted. Do you have a great time?" Why did I even ask? I knew the answer would hurt me.

"Yeah, she is really cool. Like me, justthe opposite sex."

I smiled and took some water which I drunk. "Great. I'm happy you found her."

"I have to thank you", Louis grinned and pulled me into a hug. "If it wasn't you I wouldn't know er at all."

I had to hold back myself of crying. He said the truth - it was all my fault.

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