Chapter Twenty-Five

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“Thanks, Hayley”, I smiled and grabbed my suitcase. The boys (and also some lucky fans) had visited me the past four days and now I was finally able to be released. One last time I checked twitter to see that fans still thought – like I did – that him and @iamnialler were a couple. I didn’t even know her real name so far.

I left the room and found Danielle, Liam, Niall and zayn waiting for me, also Eleanor was here. “How’re you feeling?”, El asked me and pulled me into a hug first.

Somehow I felt different – her hug felt different then the one she gave me almost tow years ago. She smiled at me and kissed my cheek. “I’m so happy about your releasing, Styles!”

“You don’t knowe how happy I am, Calder”, I smiled back at her. I looked at Zayn who looked at me in confusement. He shared a look with Liam, Niall and Danielle and Danielle looked pretty worried. “El, can we talk?”, she asked and the two of them went away.

I looked at Zayn. “I thought you liked Louis?”, Zayn whispered.

Confused I looked at him and shook my head. “Just because I’m hugging his ex doesn’t mean I stop liking him… Although I know he doesn’t like me.”

“Oh, Harry!”, Liam groaned. “Open your eyes, boy!”

I laughed. “Liam, my eyes are opened. Louis showed me he doesn’t like me.”

“He didn’t mean to hurt you”, Zayn answered.

I sighed. “I think I’m gonna apologize at him. I don’t exactly know what I’ve done but I don’t want this to end like this. Our friendship lasted for almost three years, it can’t end like this. As soon as I come home I’ll apologize… for whatever.”

Zayn, Niall and Liam changed a look. “Harry… You’re not living with Louis anymore…”

I looked at Zayn shocked. “What do you mean? Did he throw me out of our flat?”

“No, he…” Zayn bit his lower lip and avoided my gaz. “He moved out. He lives next to Liam’s and Niall’s house now.”

“You’ve a house on your own?”

“Zayn and Amelia, do, too.”

“I guess this girl lives with him”, I growled and left the room. “After all, I still have to apologize.” We put my luggage into Liam’s new car (well, it wasn’t new now… he bought it after my first accident because I made it all full of blood in the inside) and sat down in the back with Zayn. Danielle and Eleanor came back, Danielle sat between Zayn and me and Eleanor looked at us desperatly because there was no more space for her to sit anywhere. “Sit down”, I smiled at her and patted my lap.

She looked at Danielle and she sighed, but nodded. Did she need Dani’s permission to sit on my lap? Confused I looked at Liam’s ex girlfriend as Eleanor took place on my lap. “Woah, you’re hot!”, Eleanor shouted as she sat down. She only wore some black hotpants and a white blouse. Her sunglasses were on her head, not covering her eyes.

“Sorry”, I giggled and had to lay down my arms on her lap because I had no space and I didn’t want to lay them down on Zayn and/or Danielle.

She tensed and the suddenly relaxed, leaning back so her head was lying on my chest. “Thanks, Haz.”

I bit my lower lip. Louis always called me Haz. “You’re welcome, El.” I knew Louis used to call her El when they still were a couple so I thought we were even now. But instead of becoming uncomfortable she smiled at me.

She was acting weird today.

Liam drove me home and Zayn helped me dragging my suitcase up to our… I mean, my flat. “Have I missed something between Eleanor and you?”, he asked again and I rolled my eyes. “Zayn, I love Louis, after all. Eleanor is just a friend to me, okay?”

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