Chapter Twenty-One

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I had ordered a coffee and a caramel frappuccino and went to Danielle’s room again. Liam refused to drink or eat anything since we were here (which were already seven hours), Niall stayed at his side and Zayn was out, taking a wal or probably smoking. But, in all honesty, I didn’t care.

Louis was waiting for me infront of the door and confused I handed him his coffee. ”Why are you out here?”, I asked him and looked at the closed door. No sound came out.

”Niall and Liam are argiung”, he whispered and looked at his coffee. Fast he took a sip and I could see he suffered from the heat of the hot liquid.

”Watch out, it’s hot”, I stated.

He smiled but dropped it soon.

”Why are they arguing, though?”, I asked confused and looked at the door again. Still no sounds.

Louis looked at the door, too but before he could answer the door bursted open and Niall stormed out. I followed him with my eyes while Louis went inside. ”Liam…”, he began but stopped, followed by a sob from Liam.

I sighed and nodded at Louis while I ran after Niall. ”Niall! Nialler!”, I shouted but he didn’t stop, knowing I knew he could hear me. I chased him faster until I could reach for his shoulder to stop him. He turned around and the anger and sadness I could read in his face shocked me. Niall was always the one, who never was sad, he was always so carefree… The most carefree mofo, like he once said.

I smiled weakly to pull him into a hug, ignoring he didn’t return it. He let it happen and that was better than rejecting me. Suddenly his arms wrapped around mine and he buried his chin into my neck, making me feel more comfortable. This was the so-called worldfamous Horan-Hug. My shirt soaked from the tears which left his eyes, and, hopefully not that much, snot. I tried to make him feel more comfortable but I wasn’t the one he neede to hug but I couldn’t leave him now. ”Do you want to talk?”, I asked and he shook his head.

I nodded. ”I see. But I’m always there for you, y’know?”

He nodded and buried his face into my chest. He was so small in comparison to me. He really was our little leprechaun and it hurted me deep inside to see him like this. Niall never was sad and if he was this had to mean something. Suddenly I felt anger walling up inside of me. What did Liam do to him?! To make him cry?! I would’ve wanted to go straight up to Danielle’s room if… well, if there wasn’t Danielle.

”I’m so stupid…”, Niall sobbed and I rubbed his back again.

”No, you’re definitly not…”

”If I’m not stupid then I must be blind”, Niall went on and I shook my head again. ”Neither nor”, I smiled and he sighed deep. “I… why did I even think Liam would feel that way about me?”, he asked and I felt like he was more talking to himself than to me so I didn’t say anything. “I am so stupid, Harry.”

I shook my head again. “No, you are not, Niall. You are a handsome, funny guy and if Liam did anything to upset you he just doesn’t deserve you, not the other way around.”

He pulled back a bit to look straight into my eyes and looked at me confused. “Do me a favour?”, he asked and suddenly I was mesmerized by him.

Louis’ POV

I looked at Liam, sitting next to Danielle with tears in his eyes and one of Dani’s hands in both of his. “What happened?”, I asked, coming to the point immediately.

He looked at me and sighed, letting go off Danielle’s hand. “He… he doubted my feelings for him just because I care so much about her”, he began and looked at Danielle once again. He winced. “I told him he was stupid and that I loved him but I felt that… something between us had changed, from yesterday to today.” He ran a hand through his hair. Now I saw how tired he was. “I regret what I said, a lot. If Niall would come back, I’d do nothing but apologize. But… I think it was the right decision… to let him go.”

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