Chapter Sixteen

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A/N: This Chapter goes to my amaZAYN, phenomeNIALL, fabuLOUIS, extraordinHARRY and brilLIAM friend Tatjana! She is writing fanfictons in german, so if you speak german don't hesitate to read them" I'm sorry for those of you who can't because she is really amazing! And you'd do me a huge favour if you followed her on twitter (she tweets english) 

@LoveLittleNiall :) x


My phone rang and I looked at him. Mom. “Mom! Hey, I miss you! How are you? And how are dad and Gemma?“

She laughed quietly. “We’re great, Harry. But what did I read there abotu you and Louis in the newspaper? You like him?“

I gulped. “Where did you read this?“, I asked nervously.

“I can’t remember, I’m sorry. But is it true? And what does he think about that?“

Stupid newspaper. They got fals information again. Well, it was true, but only the boys knew. But Louis.“It’s okay, mom, but it’s not true. Louis and me are only friends. Nothing more.“

She laughed again. “Okay, Harry. I heard you have off this and the next week, don’t you? I would be so happy if you and the boys would visit us. I miss you and your friends, I haven’t seen you for some time.“

I smiled and felt warm. My mom was amazing. “I would love to come home for some time and I’ll ask the boys later, okay? Louis has a date with Eleanor and her parents. Well, it’s not really a date, they tell them they broke up.“

“Oh, that’s sad. Why though?“, she asked.

“I dunno.“ I wanted to add that it made me happy in some way but I decided to shut up. “And Liam, Niall and Zayn are out. I don’t know where.“

“Is it also not true that Liam and Niall are a couple?“

“Oh, that’s true, mom. I’m really happy for them, they are so cute together. It’s like they were meant for each other from the beginning.“ I blushed. I knew what she was going to say no. She always said it but she was joking. “Like you and Louis.“

“Mom, we are just friends“, I said again.

“I know, Harry. I have to go now, sorry, love. Will you call me tonight again?“

“I will.“

“Okay. I love you, Harry, no matter what you do.“ What did she mean by that?

“I love you, too, mom.“ And she was gone. I lie down my phone again and took off my boxers. No-one was at home so who cared? Louis never minded if I was naked. I wished he was naked sometimes. He was so good-looking, it wasn’t even normal. He was just… he was Louis. And I needed nothing more than him. And I really needed him. I didn’t know what I would do without him and I didn’t even want to know.

I never wanted to know how it would feel to loose Louis. He was everything to me. If One Direction wasn’t popular anymore – okay. As long as Louis would stay with me.

I went into the kitchen and looked at the empty baking tray Lou had left and put it into the washbasin. I had nothing to do so I decided to clean. I really liked cleaning, very much. It becalmed me and helped me thinking. I took a broomstick and started. It took me long but it was cool.

I though much. Maybe I should really tell Louis about my feelings. Maybe still today. Or when we’re at mom’s. That was a good idea. I have to tell him. And I will tell him.

I gulped as the door opened. I stooped and went behind the counter. “Harry?“, I heard Zayn saying.

“I’m in the kitchen!“, I shouted. “Naked!“

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