Chapter Eleven

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Zayn’s POV

So I was the only one in the house who didn’t fany another boy.

Yes, I knew about Louis, too. When I talked to Danielle she told me accidentally – that she and Liam broke up because he fancied Niall and that Eleanor and Louis broke up too because he might be gay.

I sighed. Well, I had nothing against gays but it was weird to live in a house with four of them. And what if one of them could fancy me? Like Louis?

I shook my head. I was pretty sure Louis fancied Harry and Harry fancied him, too. It was a bit obvious, so why didn’t I see it before? How they act around each other. How they try to be near each other. It was like with Nialler and Liam.

“Going out!“, I shouted.

“Where to?“, Niall asked.

I hadn’t relized he was sitting across of me. “Just somewhere. I’m bored. I would ask you if you wanted to come but I wanna be alone.“

Niall narrowed his eyes and nodded. “Alright. Be safe. And don’t forget, be home before midnight. The paps are very nocturnal.“ We smiled and I stood up, grabbing my jacket as I went outdoors.

It was cool but it also was already october, almost november. I pulled my jacket closer to my chest and shivered. Propably I should’ve worn more than a normal shirt beneath. But it was too late.

I decided to walk around in the streets and pulled out my phone to write a message to Waliyha because she had texted me earlier. She, Saffa and Doniya missed me loads and I missed them too. After all what had happened and no matter how famous I would become, I would never reject one of my sisters. Family was very important to me, it has always been. And someday I wanted my own.

I sighed.

Now that I was famous it could be complicated to find a girl who liked me for who I was and not for being “this super hot guy from One Direction“. I didn’t even know why they thought like this.

“Umm, sorry? Someone stole all my money and now I don’t have the money to pay the bus… Could you borrow me some money so  could drive home?“

I turned around to see a girl standing there. She wasn’t wearing much for a cold october night – only a button down shirt and jeans. And shoes. She had brown eyes and smiled at me, her blonde hair flying in the wind. She didn’t wear much make-up but still a bit. “Are you cold?“, I asked instuitivly.

For a moment she looked at me confused then she smiled. “If I come home soon I’m okay.“

Although I was cold too I put off my jacket and gave it to her. She shouldn’t be so cold. “Just take it, I’m not cold at all“, I lied.

She smiled and looked at the jacket before I saw her shivering. I sighed and put it around her shoulders. She rolled her eyes smiling and pulled her arms through the holes. “Thanks. I’m Amelia, by the way“, she said.

Amelia. What a beautiful name. “I am Zayn.“

She giggled. “Did you really think I didn’t know who you are?“

I smiled and was a bit disappointed. I would’ve been cool. “Never say never“, I responded.

“I thought Niall was the belieber?“

“He kinda infected us“, I joked and looked at the sky. “Are you sure you want to drive the bus this late? Could be dangerous. If you don’t mind… I would like to bring you home. We would just have to get my car.“

She gaped and looked at me unbelieving. “Are you serious? You would drive me home? But I live half an hour away by car… You really do this…?“

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